Ivana school

The next day Marvel and the others were already at Vanscool. Zane's and Arkan's faces were covered in wounds from each other's faces.

"My handsome face!! Agh!!". Arkan shouted because his face was swollen due to Zaen's actions.

Meanwhile, Zaen who has more wounds than Arkan is silent.

Ivana and et al came to them, the look on Tasya's face was surprised to see her lover filled with wounds on his face, and the corners of his lips were swollen.

"What's wrong with you guys? Fighting?". Clara asked trying to hold back her laughter seeing Arkan's expression.

Ivana who saw just rolled her eyes. "They're fighting, just like you two". Ivana said flatly as she put her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Yes, Tasya, why are you not worried about your lover's condition?" said Lorenzo with a laugh.

Ivana and the others were confused by Lorenzo's words. Ivana raised one of her eyebrows and stared intensely at Tasya.

Tasya was silent, to be honest, she was also quite surprised because her relationship with Zaen was a secret.

"They're both dating," said Marvel suddenly.

Those who heard Marvel's words were taken aback.

"Whoa, whoa!!". Stella said in disbelief.

"Did my ears hear this wrong?". Gabrielle said then looked at Tasya.

While Clarissa didn't have any expression she just showed the same flat face as usual.

Meanwhile, Ivana rolled her eyes in surprise. "Why don't you tell us this?". Tanya Ivana looked annoyed because she knew from someone else, not Tasya herself who told the story.

"I-I'm embarrassed". Tasya replied, laughing shyly.

Those who saw Tasya's shy face were made to want to bury her alive. Tasya, who is famous for her brutish and aggressive attitude, couldn't keep quiet, suddenly felt embarrassed, making them sick of seeing her and wanting to finish her off.

Ivana felt like throwing up her stomach when she saw Tasya. "Stop acting like that, you make me want to throw up!! And what did you say earlier? Shame? Where is your aggressive attitude". Ivana said sarcastically.

Ivana looked at Zaen and approached Zaen. "I allow you to be with him, but don't let him hurt you do you understand Mr. Zaen". Ivana said.

Tasya who heard that was certainly happy because she was allowed to be with Zen. While Zen he looks very nervous now.

"Tasya!! Why are you silent!! Hurry up and take care of your lover". Ivana shouted.

"Wow, one of our friends already has a lover, when will I?". Gabrielle said sadly.

"Just with me". Lorenzo answered while winking at Gabriella.

Gabriella looked at him with disdain. "Ugh, I'd rather be with Kim Taehyung," Gabrielle replied while imagining that he could marry Kim Taehyung, a member of BTS.

"Handsome to Arkan". Arkan said proudly.

Gabriella looked at the two of them with a Disgusting look. How can the two of them with only swollen lips like that beat Kim Taehyung, the most handsome man in the world?

"Just take care of your swollen face," Gabrielle said trying to laugh.

"You guys are compatible, who knows it's your turn to be dating," said Marvel.

Marvel's words just now made Gabriella and Lorenzo not accept. "Yeah!! I don't want to have a boyfriend whose face just looks like a dolphin". shouted Lorenzo.

"So you're saying my face looks like a dolphin!! Well I don't want to have a pig-faced man either!!". Gabrielle said he didn't want to lose.

"You're calling me a pig?!" Lorenzo shouted disapprovingly.

Mark and Clarissa tried to calm them both down. "Never mind like a child". Mark said trying to restrain Lorenzo.

"You too, just listen to him talk, just pretend the wind is passing". Clarissa said.

Marvel and Ivana who saw that were made to shake their heads. Without you, all this time Mark and Clarissa matched very well. They have a mature and cold nature, they are both like husband and wife.

"Wow, you two are as a husband and wife, you both have a flat and cold face, your nature is only 11 12". Xavier said then laughed.

"What if they get married and what will their child be like, Sel?". Zane asked trying to hold back his laughter.

"I had a feeling the child would be like ice, and flat as a chalkboard." Marvel's reply made everyone laugh.

Not with Mark and Clarissa. They just kept silent showing a flat expression, they didn't care about the nonsense of their friends.

"You two look good together." Clara suddenly said. He saw Ivana and Marvel side by side and gave off an aura of gripping and power.

Arkan turned and looked at Ivana and Marvel. "What if this King and Queen get married? I can't imagine it now".

Marvel flashed a smile while Ivana was feeling nervous right now." Shut up!! Are you guys done? Hurry to class!". Ivana orders then leave them all.

"Yes!! Wait for us!!". Gabrielle shouted and followed Ivana.

"Come with me quickly." Tasya grabbed Zaen's hand and took him to treat his lover's wound.

While Arkan grumbled annoyed. "Do I have to find a lover too? There is no one to treat me now!". Arkan muttered annoyed.

Marvel spread a smile because seeing Ivana embarrassed made him want to get Ivana immediately. Ivana seemed to be starting to like him but he didn't realize it.

"I will make him realize his feelings". In Marvel's mind, there is a smile that adorns his handsome face.

Arkan who saw the leader smiling like that was surprised. "Why are you smiling? You are suspicious". Arkan said.

"Don't suspect me". He said then left Arkan.

"Yeah!! Why is everyone leaving me!!". Arkan shouted and followed him.

Since then, someone has been watching them. Who else if not Vany the chili." You'll see." Vany muttered lifting the corners of her lips.


The bell has rung signaling recess. Ivana, who was walking alone, wanted to go to the toilet and accidentally bumped into Vany.

Ivana glanced at Vany with disapproval. Not to mention he had to think of a way to teach him the perfect lesson. That is embarrassing.

Vany suddenly pulled Ivana's hair from behind and made Ivana gasp. "Yes!!". Ivana shouted in surprise.

"Feel this!! For daring to associate with Marvel!! You don't deserve to be friends with those with power!!". Vany shouted, who kept on dancing Ivana's hair.

Ivana then grabbed Vany's hand and twisted it. Now Ivana's position is with her back to Vany and locks her movement.

"Let go!! I'll tell my dad!! Agh!!". Rintis Vany.

"For what? To get me out of here? That won't happen". Ivana whispered in a deep voice.

Vany could not stand the pain that Ivana gave him. "Let go of me!! You hurt me!!". Vany shouted in revolt because her wrist hurt.

Ivana suddenly let go of her wrist. "It's like crying, you bastard". Ivana said then folded her arms.

Vany then left Ivana with puffy eyes. He was embarrassed because he cried in front of the person he hated, namely Ivana herself.

"I just remembered it's vanscool's birthday soon, hmm I have an idea for his dad". Ivana muttered showing a smile.

What is Ivana thinking?

Let's read the sequel :)