Ivana is now at his headquarters, he is at the shooting range. The DOM Headquarters is equipped with facilities such as a hotel, there is a sports room and a minibar.

Ivana wears all black clothes. He wore a leather jacket and a hat covering his head, a bow that targeted a man covered in blood.

The man who disturbed Ivana was relaxing in a cafe. The man reproached Ivana only because Ivana was defending an employee who accidentally dropped her drink.

"Your words hurt so much, don't you know that woman's feelings?!" Said Ivana who was still focused on targeting the man.

The man was helpless, he had lost a lot of blood because of Ivana's actions. He made the DOM symbol on the man's chest, not forgetting that Ivana also told his men to teach a little lesson.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I won't do that L-again". The man muttered weakly.

Ivana sighed. "I don't like it when I stop halfway and forgive you, so let's just move on".

Ivana then released her arrow and made the arrow stab right into the man's heart. Instantly the man immediately breathed his last in a tragic situation.

"Ah, it's just bothering me!". Hiss Ivan.

DOM members are used to seeing their Leaders act like this. And not surprised at all just a little scared.

"Take him to the Lion". Ivana orders to the members.

"Good Queen". Say one of them.

Lion is Ivana's pet lion. Ivana has pets like Tigers and other wild animals.

Lion is Ivana's lion which he raised from a young age and obeys Ivana's commands. Lion is in the yard of the Headquarters that Ivana prepared especially for Lion.

While the Tiger that Ivana named is Queen.

Queen also has a special area, cannot be combined with Lion. Sometimes the Queen has a high taste, which is to have her perspective.


Ivana then went to her room, she relaxed in her room, she then put her body together on her bed." Ah !! I've been very busy lately, hmm I have to prepare a party at Vanscool and plan something. Agh !! I want a vacation! !". Ivana shouted in frustration.

"Besides, it happens in 1 month, right? Do I have to go to Russia? But there are more enemies, I have to buy a Masion in a remote area". Ivana muttered then took her Ipad and looked for the Masion she wanted.

Ivana's hands are constantly fiddling with the screen and Ivana's researching eyes. Nor is his brain working.

Buying a masion for him is not an easy matter, he must first find the identity of the owner of the Masion.

If it is wrong to buy then the enemies will know its whereabouts." I found it, remote location!! Yes I chose this". He mumbled because he got what he wanted.

"I have to tell the others".




"Do you want to come along?" -Ivana.


"2".— Clara.


"5".— Tasya.

"4 Crazy!".—Gabriella.

"Relax!!".—- Tasya.

"Shut up!! Listen to me carefully, open your ears!!". —Ivana.

"Ko ears?!! Eyes please!! Isn't this Chat!!".— Clara.

"Just be patient!!".— Gabriella.

"Shut up, you guys!! Listen to what Ivana wants to type first". —Clarissa.

Ivana exhaled roughly, her friends were like this. If possible he wanted to make a potion to replace Brain Cells to change his Traits but unfortunately, their brains were too precious now.

"Tomorrow I'm going to Russia for a vacation, you guys get ready, we need a break now. Too many problems have happened lately."— Ivana.


"But there is our most enemy Van, is it safe?".— Clarissa.

"That's right, it could harm us."—Tasya.

"You guys take it easy, if my enemies are a lot there, then you need to remember Russia is the 2nd largest Headquarters".— Ivana.

"I've already bought a new Masion anyway, and it's a remote area".

"Okay, I also need refining."— Clara.

Ivana then put her cell phone in her trouser pocket and wanted to leave the Headquarters. When he opened the door Ghani wanted to knock on the door and at the same time Ivana opened the door, and as a result Ghani almost fell.

"Aaa kamjagya". Ghani shouted.

Ivana raised an eyebrow. "You seem to like Korean dramas." Hiss Ivan.

"Hehe, ah yes, I wanted to give you the report you requested yesterday". Ghani then handed over some documents about Vany's father.

Ivana then received the Documents and read them one by one. "Wow, you did a good job, and starting tomorrow I will go to Russia for a vacation and check out Headquarters at the same time, please make sure our weapons arrive on time".

"Okay, does Jackson know that you want to go there?".

"Not yet, I wanted to give him a surprise".

Ghani nodded in understanding. "Ah yes I heard your sister wants to take a vacation too?". Ask Ghani.

Ivana wrinkled her forehead." Alvian? Where? What are you doing? Why vacation? There are still a lot of things to take care of here!!". Ivana said annoyed.

"Okay, I'll go first Ghan, Please help my company too if there is a problem". Ivana said then patted Ghani's shoulder and left.

"You're done, Alvian Leonard". Ghani said wanting to laugh.


Ivana is now at Leonard's residence, she wants to meet her sister who said she wants to take a vacation and leave her job to take care of Daddy and Mommy.

"Yes, Alvin!!". Ivana's scream echoed throughout the room.

Celina and Rakhan who heard their son screaming were taken aback. How could they not now be cool to watch television in the living room?

"Why dear? Why are you shouting like that?". Celina asked then put the cup she had drunk on the table.

"I smell there will be war". Said Rakhan who was still faithfully sitting on the sofa.

Not long after, Alvian appeared in a sleepy state, seen with his face filled with saliva marks.

"What's the matter?!! Just disturb people sleeping!!?". He mumbled then descended the stairs.

Alvin then lay down beside his father.

Ivana then approached Alvian.

"You stay here!! Why are you on vacation!! With whom!! You have to take care of Daddy and Mommy!!". Ivana shouted then shook Alvian's body to wake him up.

"Agh!!". Alvin shouted while scratching his itchy neck.

"Says who the hell?! Sorry for the holiday will be done 3 months later!! Why are you shouting at me!! Agh!!". Alvin shouted.

Meanwhile, Celina and Rakhan shook their heads at their children's behavior. Sometimes they still don't

Believe that they are the Mafia. They both just watched their bickering.

"Still not allowed!! If you keep going I will revoke all your facilities like your Black card I will deactivate!!". Ivana shouted in Alvian's ears.

Alvin then rolled his eyes wide. "Are you going to do all this to me?! I also want to take a vacation".

"Not now!! You will leave when I come back from Russia!!".