Chapter 332: Even if it's twenty thousand pigs, it would take a while to catch them, right?

Even 20,000 pigs running into the city would take a while to round up.

Moreover, what about people?

Red River Town and the Snake Tribe had been fighting up north for nearly half a year, and the amount spent on mercenaries and military purchases could have bought a mine.

Yet, even so, they had gained no advantage over the looters.

The news reached more than just Sim, it also reached other business leaders and mine owners in Red River Town.

Soon, this significant news spread throughout Red River Town…

In the Mining Association's meeting hall.

It had been several minutes since the Association's President announced the meeting's topic.

The individuals seated at the meeting table looked at each other, and for a long time, no one spoke.

Unable to stand the eerie atmosphere in the meeting room, a mine owner hooked his index finger around his collar, loosening it, and broke the silence with a hesitant voice.

"…Is the news reliable?"