Chapter 333: The Fuel Rods Hidden in the Basement

The gunfire and explosions in the underground garage had finally ceased.

A man, draped in beast skin and wearing a string of teeth around his neck, was dragged out of the garage entrance by two junior players, one on each side.

Even though he was covered in blood and his hands were bound, he was still chattering away nonstop.

However, it was unfortunate that his efforts were in vain, as the surrounding players couldn't understand a word he was saying.

As a war criminal, he would be sent to the City of Dawn to face trial under the laws of the New Alliance.

After that, the gallows of justice awaited him.

Apart from Fox Tooth, a total of 282 stubborn Looter's were killed.

It wasn't that no one wanted to surrender; there simply was no opportunity to do so.