Spring Embroidered Saber

Pfft! With a soft sound, three layers of leather armor broke and fell off the wooden stake.

Then the blade slashed into the wooden stake, splitting into three parts.

Surprise flashed across Yin Wuyou's pretty face.

She didn't use much strength, but this blade easily split open three layers of leather armor. The sharpness of this saber was definitely not inferior to the Huben Saber!

Being able to maintain such sharpness with this appearance, this saber was no weaker than the three sabers Zhou Shu had developed.

Yin Wuyou looked at Zhou Shu. Although her expression was still calm, a storm was raging deep within her heart.

In just a few short months, Zhou Shu had managed to develop four new weapons. She had never heard of anyone doing this before!

What kind of forging talent was this?

In the past, Yin Wuyou had some doubts about whether Zhou Shu could advance to Forging Master. Now, she no longer doubted him.