Thank You for Your Nurturing

"Superintendent, everyone is here. Please give your orders!"

In the square in the front yard of the 0th Workshop, Zhang Yibei, Sixth Brother Wu, and the others stood proudly in a line.

Their energy and spirit were worlds apart compared to a month ago.

Compared to the Forging Apprentices in other workshops, they were glowing.

This wasn't surprising. The Forging Apprentices in other workshops were all working from morning to night, and they were as tired as dogs every day. How good could their complexion be?

As for Zhang Yibei and the others, they only needed to work eight hours a day. Furthermore, they only had to direct other apprentices. This sense of accomplishment was incomparable to other jobs.

Zhang Yibei, Sixth Brother Wu, and the others were extremely glad they knew Zhou Shu and were able to move to the 0th Workshop.

They felt that they lived like humans now. In the past, they were animals!