Ask the Sword

Ranked weapons were completely different from standard weapons.

Under normal circumstances, a Forging Master to be able to forge one or two ranked weapons in a year was already considered a high yield.

Shi Songtao didn't believe Zhou Shu's nonsense about getting his weapons to take up the top ten spots of the Yellow-grade Armament Manual!

He had been a Forging Master for many years, but he had only forged a few yellow-grade weapons.

Although this had something to do with his desire for perfection and only forging top-quality yellow-grade weapons, it was mainly because forging a decent yellow-grade weapon was not that easy.

Zhou Shu had just forged the Three Swords of Yin Tianzi, so Shi Songtao didn't believe that he would be able to forge top-quality yellow-grade weapons that could rank in the top few spots of the Yellow-grade Armament Manual in a short period of time.