The Person Using The Sword, Extraordinary

There were clearly several people in the You Marquis's mansion, but they were so quiet that the sound of a single strand of hair falling to the ground was audible.

"The person using the sword, average."

This sentence seemed to echo in the air.

The experts ordered to protect Zhou Shu all had strange expressions on their faces. They cupped their hands and quickly disappeared.

Zhou Shu could even hear their suppressed laughter.

F*ck, I was despised by a little girl?

What does she mean by 'good sword and good swordsmanship; the person using the sword, average'?

This is clearly saying that I'm not good enough for the Great Destroyer Sword and the Astounding Heavenly Eighteen Swords Technique?

Just now, I lost by a move because I didn't show my true ability!

If I really wanted to make a move, you wouldn't be able to withstand even one move!

Zhou Shu felt a little depressed.