If You Want To Die, I'll Give You a Quick Death (1)

"General Mei, look out!" one of the Great Xia soldiers cried out and slammed into Mei Wushang, making him stagger.

At this moment, a bird demonic beast descended from the sky and grabbed the top of the soldier's head with its sharp claws.

"Ah!" The soldier screamed and threw the Spring Embroidered Saber in his hand with all his might before falling to the ground.

The Spring Embroidered Saber flew high into the air. When it hit the wings of the bird demonic beast, its momentum was already exhausted. With a crack, it was cut into five pieces by the wings of the bird demonic beast.

Mei Wushang's eyes were bloodshot. He roared and waved the Heavenly Halberd crazily.

Swish Swish Swish!

For a moment, the area around him became empty. The demonic beasts bypassed Mei Wushang and attacked the other soldiers.