If You Want To Die, I'll Give You a Quick Death (2)

Yin Wuyou gritted her teeth.

A woman was extremely frightening when she was angry.

Yin Wuyou's cultivation level was similar to the leopard demonic beast's.

The leopard demonic beast was actually suppressed by Yin Wuyou for a moment.

Yao Ji grimaced at the sight.

Yao Qing actually chuckled.

This stupid black bear Yao Qing actually dared to laugh at me?

Hmph, no matter what the hell is going on in this camp, I'm going to force it out!

Yao Qing raised his hand, and another 200 demonic beasts leaped out of the camp and charged toward the Huaxia Pavilion's Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament branch.

Mei Wushang roared angrily, and his upper body exploded. His broken armor, along with his torn clothes, turned into butterflies that flew all over the sky.

He was half-naked. With a sweep of his Heavenly Halberd, he swept the two demonic beasts off the wall.