Building the Demon King Palace, The Thirty-Three Heavens (2)

Zhang Chunlin led the hundred human captives and busied themselves in the hollowed-out mountainside.

He didn't know if it was luck or something else, but there were more than ten Forging Masters among the hundred people!

Zhou Shu was pleasantly surprised.

Zhou Shu made Zhang Chunlin and the others responsible for transporting the forging materials.

As for him, he devoted himself to forging.

That's right. Zhou Shu was going to use the method of forging weapons to forge the so-called Demon King Palace as a weapon!

He had thought about it carefully. If he used a poorly constructed palace to fool Hu Li, it might be possible.

But it would be a huge problem to bring the materials back to the camp.

The space in his Cosmic Bangle was very limited. It couldn't contain the massive amount of forging materials he had swindled from the various Great Demons.