Lingxiao Treasure Palace, Ji Lutian Sends Someone Over (1)

The fact that the forging formula appeared in the Legendary Armament Canon automatically satisfied Zhou Shu. This time, he didn't forge any weapon or complete any mission.

What surprised him even more was that what appeared in the Legendary Armament Canon was the Demon King Palace that he had designed! Moreover, the Legendary Armament Canon had directly given it a name!

"Lingxiao Treasure Palace!"

The words made Zhou Shu's heart skip a beat.

He only wanted to build a demon king palace, but the Legendary Armament Canon directly defined it as the Lingxiao Treasure Palace?

Zhou Shu asked the Legendary Armament Canon in his heart what it was up to.

As expected, there was no reaction from the Legendary Armament Canon.

This was the Lingxiao Treasure Palace!

Legend had it that when the monkey wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace, they had broken into the Lingxiao Treasure Palace.