I Must Not Let Him Do It Alone (2)

"Do I need to explain it to you?" A cold and emotionless voice came from the Treasure Distribution Rock.

"Of course you don't have to explain it to me, Senior. But I'm still not convinced!" the unconvinced martial artist said loudly. "Even if we are intimidated by you and don't dare to snatch the divine weapons, can you protect them after they leave this place?"

He pointed at the second lucky person kneeling on the ground. "Such a despicable person can't defend himself even with a connate divine weapon!"

"It's not up to you to decide if he's a despicable person or not.

"I don't have to explain anything to anyone.

"Remember, I said that my connate divine weapons belong to whomever I give them. If I don't give one to you, no one can snatch them. Otherwise, I'll kill you without mercy.

"If you're confident that you can escape my pursuit, feel free to make a move."