May All the Martial Artists in the World Never Be Without Divine Weapons (1)

"My Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven will contribute five hundred thousand kilograms!" Tang Qianluo said, almost gnashing his teeth.

He noticed that everyone was looking at him. It made him want to find a hole to hide in.

Tang Qianluo loved money, but he loved face even more.

Other grotto-heavens took out a million kilograms of forging materials, but he could only contribute 500,000 kilograms.

One had to know that the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven was ranked at the top of the current 16 grotto-heavens.

Others wouldn't think that he couldn't afford to contribute so many forging materials. They would only think that he was stingy…

But the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven really could not afford it right now!

The storehouse had been swept clean by Ji Lutian and Zheng Chengan. The Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven had suffered a huge blow. Contributing 500,000 kilograms of forging materials was already the limit. Any more would really shake the foundation.
