Golden-Winged Roc King, You Will Lead The Battles From Now On (1)

"What did you say? The golden-winged roc race surrendered?"

In the Lingxiao Treasure Palace, Zhou Shu frowned and looked at Cang Huan in front of him.

Cang Huan's face was full of excitement. The golden-winged roc race, ranked sixth in the world, had also become a vassal of the giant spirit race. Then, what rank should the giant spirit be at now?

Fifth? No, at least third.

At the thought that the giant spirit race actually had such achievements, Cang Huan felt his heart race.

In the past, he wouldn't have even dared to dream of such a thing.

Cang Huan was full of excitement, but Zhou Shu couldn't be happy at all.

The stronger the giant spirit race was, the closer they would become the ruler of the world, and the greater the hope of him returning to the future.

But if the giant spirit race kept subduing others without fighting, how could they become stronger?