Golden-Winged Roc King, You Will Lead The Battles From Now On (2)

Zhou Shu lazily raised his eyes and glanced at the Golden-Winged Roc King coldly. "Are you here to question me? Golden-Winged Roc King, if you want to die, I can fulfill your wish."

The Golden-Winged Roc King was stunned. Why is this person like that annoying Mr. Ji?

I'm just asking. Do you think I'm crazy?

The Golden-Winged Roc King was silent for a long time before speaking. "I just want to ask what our golden-winged roc race can obtain after becoming the giant spirit race's vassal."

These people were more irritable than him.

He had to talk to them carefully.

The Golden-Winged Roc King sighed in his heart. What could he do?

The golden-winged roc race was inferior to others.

The giant spirit race, the bai ze race, and the silver scale race had the ability to destroy the golden-winged roc race.

"Golden-Winged Roc King, you're wrong," Zhou Shu said coldly.