The Tiger Soul Saber, Come Back (1)

Wu Gang was walking in the Xuan Ming Heavenly Kingdom.

His destination was the ancestral land.

After leaving the ancestral land for many days, Wu Gang had gone to many places, and his footsteps never stopped.

In order to find the forging materials Zhou Shu required, Wu Gang had almost never stopped to rest for the past few days.

As long as he could repair the Book of Life and Death, Wu Gang was willing to give up his life.

He just had to find a few forging materials. It was no big deal.

His eyes flickered with excitement.

He had already found the forging materials Zhou Shu required. As long as he brought them back to the ancestral land, Zhou Shu would be able to repair the Book of Life and Death.

As long as he got the Book of Life and Death, he could bring her back…

Wu Gang looked up at the ancestral land with excitement on his face.

Suddenly, waves rolled in front of him, and an invisible aura blocked him.