The Tiger Soul Saber, Come Back (2)

At the same time that Wu Gang was stopped by the man holding the Tiger Soul Saber, an army dressed in black armor and surrounded by a black aura appeared between the Xuan Ming Heavenly Kingdom and the ancestral land.

"The hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals of the Jade Pivot Fire Palace are here. Stop!"

The 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals of the Jade Pivot Fire Palace were under orders to guard the border of the two worlds. The moment they saw the army, a heavenly general raised his voice and shouted, "Anyone who dares to cross the border will be killed without mercy!"


The 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals drew their weapons at the same time. For a moment, their auras were overwhelming.

"Remnants of the Heavenly Court, die!" The army surrounded by black gas on the other side let out a deep roar.

The sound of uniform footsteps came. They walked toward the ancestral land without stopping.