This Is the Zhu Rong Heavenly Kingdom (1)


The sound of flames burning flesh rang out, and the fragrance of meat filled the air.

Uncle Peng's wound instantly stopped bleeding.

But its badly mangled appearance didn't look any better than before.

"Uncle! Uncle Peng and I saved you. Why are you repaying kindness with ingratitude?!" Cao Yue roared angrily.

Zhou Shu had already retracted his hand. He looked exhausted.

He smiled bitterly in his heart. In order to intimidate a few ordinary villagers, he had mobilized some of his aura, causing his injuries to worsen.

Who would have thought that he, Zhou Shu, would have such a day?

In the past, he could kill these ordinary villagers with a single glance.

"I'm saving him," Zhou Shu said patiently.

If it were anyone else, Zhou Shu wouldn't have said so much.

But no matter what, Cao Yue was his savior.

Zhou Shu was very patient with him.