This Is the Zhu Rong Heavenly Kingdom (2)

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly in his heart. It was true that this was an ordinary small mountain village, and it was also true that there were no powerful martial artists.

But the people here were very brave.

Although the village chief looked extremely weak to Zhou Shu, it was undeniable that people who hunted for a living in the mountains were very lethal to ordinary people.

If Zhou Shu was really an ordinary person, if he didn't leave this place, he might very well die under the village chief's hatchet.

But Zhou Shu wasn't an ordinary person.

Even if a tiger had fallen from grace, it couldn't be bullied by just any dog.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that even though Zhou Shu was so seriously injured, it was impossible for an ordinary person to kill him with a hatchet.

To kill him, at least… he had to be a ranked martial artist.

Thinking of this, he felt a little helpless.