Class 2

'What was all that about?' Harry wondered to himself as he followed after Scott. Their next class was apparently chemistry taught by Hank, so it was bound to be interesting. It wasn't often that one got an actual doctor to teach them, after all.

The classroom this time looked like an actual chemistry lab. There was a bunch of chemicals contained within shelves that were see-through, but locked. It reminded him a little of the labs he had seen in movies. It was definitely better than the ones he had seen in his previous schools.

There were no individual desks, instead there were long tables that served as a place to place their books while still leaving enough room for multiple groups to do experiments at the same time.

Scott sat down on the middle tab that was right in front of the teacher's table. He then pointed at one of the empty chairs opposite of him and gestured for Harry to sit down.

"Why in the front of the classroom?" Harry asked once he had sat down.

"Not by choice." Scott grumbled. "I had a nice and cozy seat back there where I could sleep without being noticed but then someone snitched."

Scott looked around suspiciously at each of the different members in their group.

"I still don't know who it was, but Hank wasn't very thrilled that I slept there so he switched my seats to here, so he could keep watch over me."

People were starting to take out papers and setting them on the edge of their tables, the same way they had done in the previous class.

Scott set aside an extra two papers instead of just one like the others.

"Dude, stop sleeping in class if it gets you this much work."

"You say it like it's an easy thing to do."

"You act like it's not."

They stopped bickering once Hank entered the room and started the class. Before doing anything else, the doctor did the same thing Ororo had done earlier. He asked Jean to collect the homework and Harry watched curiously as the papers gently floated into the professor's hands.

The next few minutes proceeded as normal; it was pretty much the same as a normal lab day back in his old school. With the teacher telling them what experiment they were going to do today, and then people splitting into pairs for it. Harry obviously paired up with Scott, and that received some pitying looks from the people around them, especially Jean.

To be honest, that should have been his first clue that something was about to go terribly wrong. Yet he didn't catch it and continued on as normal. They did the calculations first, with Scott doing the bulk of the work and Harry going around gathering the tools and chemicals they needed.

"Okay, so we need to add this and that." Scott was measuring the items needed according to his calculations.

People were slowly starting to distance themselves from Scott and him. Even Hank was looking at them cautiously. It finally made Harry realize that maybe something wasn't right.

"Uh… Scott can I check the calculations real fast?" Harry asked.

"Sure." Scott replied distractedly, more focused on the glass vial in front of him than Harry.

Harry snatched the notebook from Scott's side of the table and started looking at the numbers. They were all wrong. In fact, they were so horrifically wrong that he wondered how someone would ever get to these answers.

"Hey, Scott. I think these are wro- "

There was a loud bang as the glass vial on the table in front of them shattered and the chemical mixture within spilled to the table. Scott grimaced as the glass shards were suspended inches from his face.

"Come on, Scott." Jean said as the group started to slowly go back into their original positions from their places of cover. "You'd think you would have learned by now."

Scott turned to look at her. "My calculations were correct. Clearly it was the chemicals that were faulty."

Harry just stared with lifeless eyes at the argument that was developing between the exasperated Jean and the very self-confident idiot in front of him that just happened to be his partner in this experiment.

"Okay, okay, show's over. Now go continue your own experiments." Hank came and broke the little circle that had formed around them now that the chemical explosion had passed.

Each of them returned to their own spots, with Scott taking his seat opposite of him again. He looked at Harry with one eyebrow raised.

"Looks like we failed this one."

That seemed to be enough to shock some life back into Harry.

"What do you mean 'we'?" He asked. "This was all your own fault, don't try to drag me into this."

"Hey! We're a team. We share our successes and failures."

"The hell we are."

Harry looked towards Hank and raised his hand and once he received a nod in return he spoke.

"Doc, can I get a new partner? This one doesn't work." Scott managed to look hurt, offended, and angry at the same time. But before he could say anything, Hank spoke.

"Sadly, no. Scott really needs a partner and you're the best candidate." He also muttered something under his breath that Harry caught. "And the only one."

Harry sat down in his seat with resignation that transformed into annoyance when he saw Scott smirking at him.

"What?" Harry asked.

"How does it feel to be stuck with this partner of yours who doesn't work?" Scott replied while the smirk on his face grew to shit-eating proportions.

"I'm going to make sure you blow yourself up if you ever try to do the calculations yourself again." He said. "Do you understand?"

"Sure, less work for me." Harry could sense the victory that had filled the idiot's eyes even through those red-tinted sunglasses.

The rest of the class was relatively calm with no further explosions. At the end of the period, Scott and Harry were the only two who hadn't managed to produce anything even closely resembling the experiment they were supposed to do.

They were relegated to clean up duty on account of Scott blowing up their entire experiment. While Harry received pity and reassurance that it wouldn't last forever. Scott received nothing but snide remarks that would set him off on a tirade about how the chemicals were against him.

They were now headed into their last class of today, which was ethics taught by Charles. It was apparently a big subject here since it mostly talked about how to utilize their powers ethically and not abusing them.