In a world where superheroes and mutants have started emerging, Harry Ballard discovered he was a mutant in the most unpleasant way. His road to regain a semblance of control will be paved with hardships and struggles beyond anything he could have previously imagined.
Will he preserve through it all, or will he lose control for the last time.
You guys may be terrible at hockey (speaking as a swede) but you at least write good fics. Really interested in seeing where you will take this story.
Overall this is likly to be one of the best marvel and xmen fanfictions on webnovel in the future. if the author continues with this novel because so far the grammer and idea have been amazing and very original. And so my advice to you auther is if someone is crazy and starts giving you criticism that is not helpful or makes you a better writer just ignore them. a lot of authors on webnovel would have done better if they had ever gotten this advice from someone.
No complaints, the grammar is good and the story is interesting and logical. One of the top fanfics I’ve read in a while. The concept is pretty original aswell (I think).
i personally like transmigrated mc's not the kid ones. or immature ones......................................................................................
Interesting ..........................................................................................................................................................................
LETS GO MAN KEEP DOING YOUR BEST ----------------------------------------------S--------------------------------------------------------------------------------S
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