The word appeared there like a slap in the face, covering most of the monitor for a few seconds, and Yvette stopped talking like someone pulled her plug. The next message appeared shortly afterwards:
"Go meta."
She wondered for a while, what that could mean, before she realized it. She never ever tried telepathy while being tipsy. It's generally advised against, accessing spiritual powers while one's consciousness is under the influence of substances, and alcohol certainly does distort the mechanisms of the mind. Yvette never did that, though, in fact, she almost never drank alcohol anyway, and mostly this was the reason why. She felt confident though, since she gathered a lot of experience during the recent months, training, testing her abilities on almost a daily basis. She sat up, lifted her chest and raised her head, breathing slowly and deeply, trying not to pay attention to her stilettos piecing into her inner thighs.
The connection was instant and it kicked like a horse. Yvette held her breath until the vertigo passed, and the overwhelming load of images and feelings burst into her mind. She smelled hot concrete, tasted luscious grapes, felt sand between her fingers, heard the distant whir of an old air, echoing shouts coming from a market, and felt a great need, a crave, strive for something full of light and peace, she saw the glint of gold in the depths of black water. Suddenly it all disappeared with a swirl and she felt she is lying on a thin, high bed, in a white room. A huge, white room, where she did not felt cold - she was lying there in the same, more than revealing outfit - but she felt the cold of the bright white walls, heavy light raining on her, and when she realized she is lying on a hospital bed she panicked, tried to sat upwards and she returned into the now, sitting on her bed. It happened under less than half a second, the intense influx of impressions, but now she steadied herself, expressed control, and she focused on picking up his thoughts, slow and steady, one at a time.
"Yes." A single word, appearing on the screen.
"You are a teacher" Said Yvette; out loud, transmitting what she could detect from the other side. "People go to you for answers. I feel a strong sense. Strong senses, to help people."
"Yes. And now. Go. Deeper."
Yvette felt something vast, moving, huge weights, unlocking something like a huge vault in the depths of an ancient stone temple or a pyramid. She gradually and slowly realized that the impressions she receives now, coming from the Master she is communicating with, are nothing else but reflections. She experiences something that goes inside her own mind, transmitted to her via the other one. It would have been a very disturbing thought, but now Yvette felt like she is beyond an important threshold, that there is no way back, and because of this, there is no reason to fear anything. She descended into the dungeons of her own subconscious, using telepathy… now that was an unexpected turn of events.
Another message appeared:
"This will be an intense lesson."
Yvette did not have the faintest of doubts about that. She felt exposed, but also exposing, like an archaeologist on the verge of a great discovery, opening up a secret chamber, at the deepest portion of the pyramid, some part of her hopeful, some other part of her afraid of what she might find inside. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, and she realized that she is getting very wet. That realization also came with accepting the truth that this knowledge might channel through her mind, all the way to Egypt, and somehow, the shame she felt about that, elevated her arousal to new heights, thus, feeding into it. It was like a feedback loop, making a process irreversible and cascade into the unknown.
Several words appeared on the screen, in quick succession, one replacing the other:
"Look at the pervert old bastard," Yvette thought, on a lower priority channel of her mind, which felt like mentally filtering the words through her teeth. "Playing with the feelings of an honest girl, just like that." She was on the verge. She felt she could calm herself and behave reasonably, but she enjoyed this thoroughly, with all her heart, with all her senses, so eventually she gave in, and that felt like a gatecrash. Her womanliness blazed up like wildfire, she felt empowered, confident… and sexy. And also, quite annoyingly, a bit lonely. But she gathered her strength and kept focusing. The images drifted to her, spiraling, slowly gaining more and more velocity.
"I feel your senses are strong. This is why people want answers from you. It is you, who… you can bring the emotions out, things that seemed lost before. It's a reconnection…, I know, I feel that I've been looking for you."
"Good. I feel it. Go on."
"Do you live by water? Is it the Sea?"
"Yes. Focus."
"I feel you are special. A very special person. I'm grateful for I've been told I will meet you. Do you believe it's true? Is this my personal truth?"
"Okay… I feel… I'm opening up… I'm opening up to these big, scary feelings inside me… like a wave, I'm riding it…" The feeling was so real, that Yvette started to semi-consciously move her hip in a riding motion, slowly. She felt the uncovered energies flowing out from the depths of her own body, covering her like a warm blanket of love itself. The emotions put a tear in her eye and she also felt so calm, so free from anxiety like never in the last few months, or even years. She continued to talk, without fear, full of confidence, her sexual energies circling around her like benevolent snakes waiting for her permission to lash out.
"I come from a very strict religious family, so I never thought that embracing this could be right. I have always been interested in the unknown though. I explored a whole new world where I could be happy, since, I've always felt out of place here. Does that make any sense...? I often feel I know the truth. My intuitions turn out to be correct. It is true, I do need conformation, sometimes. Maybe I should write a book."
"Yes. That's it!"
The first exclamation mark ever, from Nicodemis. This must be important.
"Do you often write your dark, secret messages that people need to hear? What they want to hear? The confirmations?"
"How do you feel right now?"
This advisor really wasn't about letting control of a conversation. He simply ignored Yvette's questions when they were, in his opinion, not particularly on point. Yvette realized that this method of him, sending only messages in text instead of talking honestly, could be a way to assure his dominant position. Like gods of ancient times, he reveals. And that is all there is to it. Although it could easily be called arrogant, it also expresses confidence. And that made a good impression on Yvette.
"I'm happy, happy that someone just… understands. I actually believe now that I'm right, thanks to your confirmation. I just need to embrace it!"
"Yes. That is what you need. Embrace."
"Okay" Yvette exhaled heavily and extended her mind, scouting ahead. She wanted to actively reach out now, testing her abilities. She concentrated with eyes closed, but she also kept talking, like a commentator, verbally following her mental processes.
"I want you to open up for me as well. Is there something that I can do for you? Something special? What if I want to talk to you again? I tried to send you messages to you but it said I didn't have permission… I feel a closeness, like, I am drawn towards you and I searched for you, for weeks, after you messaged me for the first time. So, I'd like to keep in touch. Should I read any of your books?
"Ah…, I'm sorry, I don't...?" The visions Yvette saw regrouped into a shiny wall. It was a bit like the White Room, but more full of light. The liquid walls reflected back and distorted the light, which, she felt, was coming right from herself. "A reflection... of me?"
"Your energies in the quantum consciousness."
"Oh, so… you're kind of like the voice in my head? I will tell you, when I saw your message appear on my phone, I was so excited because I had been looking for you for weeks! Did you know about this? Did you feel me searching? Or did you just reply off the likes on your page? I strongly feel I need to work on this book. Most of it is done, in my head, it's just hard to put them together, on paper. Maybe I need to research, that's why I'm asking…"