"Uncle Edwin!" Linda shouted immediately she sported them.

"My beautiful girl!" Mr. Swift said and hugs Linda.

"Uncle Edwin, you guys are here?" Esmeralda said.

"What did you just say?" Mr. Swift asked.

"Come on dear of course we are going to be here since today is your engagement day." Mrs. Swift said to Esmeralda.

"Oh yes of course aunt." Esmeralda replied to her.

Both Esmeralda and Linda hugged and greet Mr. and Mrs. Swift.

"Anna how are you?" Linda asked when she saw Anna.

"Am doing great and you?" Anna smiled and replied to Linda.

"Am awesome pretty… come here let me give you a hug" Linda replied.

"Congrats Esme.'' Anna said to Esmeralda referring to her engagement.''

"Hey, where did you go to… we didn't see you here when we arrived.'' Esmeralda said.

"Uhm, me… I went to the rest room that's why.


"Alright I will leave you guys now while I go see someone over there." Mr. Fernandez announced and left.

"Come on Anna let me show you Esmeralda's soon to be husband." Linda said and pulled Anna to go with her.

After Mr. Fernandez left, Mr. Swift who has something he want to asked Esmeralda move her more closer to himself, "Are you happy about this alliance dear?" Mr. Swift asked Esmeralda.

Esmeralda smiled at him and reply to him, "Of course I am Uncle Edwin."

"You know that if you are not happy at all, you just need to tell me and I will make sure to make things right dear." He said to her wile patting her head.

"I know Uncle Edwin… thank you for being the best ever." Esmeralda said to him and hugs him.

Mrs. Swift who is watching them silently wish to see the day of Anna's engagement as well and to also see the happiness she will be in.

"You do know that if I had, had a son then you would be becoming my daughter in law now and not Patrick's right?'' he said to her lovingly.

"And it would have been even more awesome and will also make me happier than I am right now you know,'' Esmeralda replied to Mr. Swift and hugged him even more tightly.

Uncle Edwin is also her father's best Friend just like Elias's father, but both Linda and her like him more than they like Patrick Watson, Elias's father. Because they are both closer to him than to Patrick and that is all due to the gentle nature and personality that he possessed.

She knows if she had told him she is not happy with this alliance earlier when he asked her then, he would have made sure to stop this engagement right now and give her father an earful for trying to force her into an unhappy marriage. And that's why she loves him very much.

And of course she will always love him more than her soon to be father in law or should she say father.


She is holding his hands smiling while posing to the camera for them to take their engagement pictures after their engagement and after been announced as finally an engaged couple.

The stunning Dark red wine off shoulder sleveless dress that she is wearing fits her so well in such a way that all her shapes are all visible which will make you unable to set your eyes off her when you set them on. After seeing herself once again in the photos that they have taken which the photographer is currently showing them right now made her want to believe in Elias's expression when he was been shy to compliment her earlier after seeing her when she was done dressing and came down for the banquet earlier.

And those words of compliments he gave her earlier, she is taking them once again because she is really looking bewitching, ravishing, Devine, lovely and elegant just like he said earlier.

"Brother in- law!'' Linda came out of the blue and hugged Elias. She gave him a very big hug that made those who are present there and watching them smile at her cute behavior.

She breaks their hug and adjusts his suit that she has crumbled when she was hugging him earlier, "I just have few words for you right now... since you are now officially engaged to my sister."

She smiled widely at him, "Now that both you and my sister are finally engaged, you most make sure to take good care of her for me okay?"

"Of course I will take very good care of her sister in law," Elias replied back to Linda's words in the same lovely and cute way she also talked to him.

Linda moved closer to Elias, "That's very good to hear, because if you don't keep your words… I will have to be the one to take very good care of you." Although he replied to him in a very lovely way with a timid smile earlier, the dagger his eyes showed and how his eye color changed when he heard what she said was something that didn't skip her at all.

This take her back to her earlier thoughts about him, he might as well just be pretending to be a nice and gentle soul in front of people. If he dares and do anything to her sister after they are married then he will see hell for sure.

The matter of his Dad being her Dad's best friend won't arise by then. Killing and burying him in the desert at the same time is an easy job for her if he dares to cheat or hurt her sister in anyway.

Mess with her, you might still be her friend but mess with her family, you are her worst enemy.

"Don't worry sister in law, like I said I am doing to take very good care of Esmeralda because she is the love of my life… I do anything to keep her happy and protect her at the same time.'' Elias reassured Linda while smiling at her and the guest watching them.

Although Linda was smiling and hugging him earlier when she spoke, Elias can clearly sensed the threat and warning she gave him when she said she will be the one to take care of him if he doesn't take care of her sister at all.

The guest watching them might think what she said was just a concern from a sister, but he doesn't take it as that, not one bit. And if the girl is going to be a problem in his marriage then he will have to find a way to make sure she doesn't become one.

"What are you guys talking about?" Esmeralda asked when she reached the both of them.

Elias smiled at her, "well you see honey sister in law here is just making sure am going to take very good care of you after our wedding."

"Silly, of course he is going to take very good care of me after our marriage," Esmeralda said while pinching Linda's nose.

"Ouch…I was just making sure he will do that." Linda said while massaging her nose that Esmeralda pinched.

"Alright, am leaving you with your honey now and go look for my Dad," Linda said referring to how Elias called Esmeralda earlier.

Esmeralda blushed after hearing Linda's words.

'Geez' Linda whispered in her mind after seeing how Esmeralda blushed at her words. Her sister is really starting to fall for this Watson boy.

She turned to leave and go look for Mr. Fernandez amongst the crowded guest in the hall.

"We are finally engaged," Esmeralda who is in Elias's arms said.

"Yes we are finally engaged my soon to be Mrs. Watson." He replied which made her blushed more than she did earlier.