Everybody in the whole of City Z now knows that Esmeralda Fernandez the daughter of Billionaire and businessman Robert Fernandez is marrying Elias Watson, the son of businessman Patrick Watson.

Esmeralda and Elias's engagement has surfaced in the whole of City Z, and everyone is now aware that both the Fernandez and Watson family will not only be good friends with each other like before but are now also going to be sharing a stronger and sacred tie...

Elias has been the one taking he out on dates and visiting her all the time, whether if she is at the office or home.

Esmeralda decides to give Elias a surprise visit to Watson Realty today. She made sure to dress very beautiful and put on light makeup on her face since she doesn't wear that much either.

Linda has always been the one, who is all about beauty and fashion amongst the two of them, she is very simple when it comes to all these things. But Linda is an exception when it comes to simplicity at those things.


"Good afternoon Ma'am," Esmeralda's driver greeted her.

"Afternoon Chen, to Watson Realty please," She said entered the backseat and Chen drove away.

Esmeralda arrived at the building of Watson Realty, since she and Elias are now engaged and everybody is aware of it, the staff of the company start gossiping amongst themselves when they saw her enter.

She didn't mind whatever they were gossiping about but instead answered them when they greeted her and make her way straight to Elias's office floor since she knows it.

After all, this is not her first time being in Watson Realty

"Welcome to Watson Realty, Miss Fernandez," Elias's secretary greeted Esmeralda when she arrived at Elias's office floor.

"How are you Lana?" she asked the young secretary.

The young woman smiled at Esmeralda, "Am alright Miss."

"That's good to hear Lana, is Mr. Watson around by any chance?" she asked his secretary since she didn't call him to ask whether he is available or not since she decided to surprise him and be here today.

"Yes he is around Miss," the secretary replied.

"…I will just let him know you are here," Elias's secretary said and picked the phone beside in other to give Elias a call to let him know of Esmeralda's arrival.

Esmeralda knows she can't allow Lana to let Elias of her arrival since she I here as a surprise for him, "No! don't call him and inform him about my arrival Lana please, because am here to surprise him," she spoke in a hurry before Lana could call Elias.

After hearing what Esmeralda said, Lana dropped the cell phone down, "alright then Miss, I will do as you say."

Esmeralda smiled at the woman, "Hmmm… Thank you."

She turned to make her way towards his office when she heard Lana's voice, "By the way Miss, he is with his father."

Esmeralda turned back when she heard Lana's voice, "Oh…Uncle Patrick is here! That's great I will also see him then." She said and Lana nods at her.

Since her soon-to-be father-in-law is here, she will see him and even he will also see that she is also trying from her part in other for this relationship to work.

Esmeralda smiled and continues her work to Elias's office.

"How could you break your promise to me and be so irresponsible, tell me?" She heard Patrick's words.

Although she knows eavesdropping in other people's conversation is not good, she doesn't know because she has this strong feeling to stay there and listen to what is happening.

What if there is a big problem or something that they are hiding and both she and her father don't know anything about it, they might be hiding something from her Dad if there is a problem.

And if there is one, when she is done listening she will make sure to let her father know so that they can find the solution to it if they can help in any way at all.

"I already agreed to your demand so what else do you want Dad?" this time it's Elias's voice that she heard asking his father.

She shifts her ear closer to the door in other to listen to them more clearly because their argument is starting to get more intense.

"How could you go around fooling with women when you know both you and Esmeralda are now engaged?" she heard Patrick ask Elias again.

Esmeralda: "…" women, fooling around with women… does this mean that's Linda was right all along about Elias?

She can't believe what she is hearing, how could Elias cheat her like this?

He just shattered her.

Esmeralda calmed herself down because she knows hard to listen to their conversation right now no matter what, "There, there Esme… calm down…calm down."

"Dad you know very well that am not in love with Esmeralda, just because we are engaged doesn't mean that you're taking my freedom away and I shouldn't enjoy my life anymore," Elias said harshly to his father.

Esmeralda felt like the world is crumbling down on her when she heard Elias's words, how? He doesn't love her? But he said he does.

He confessed to her at the restaurant that day. Does that mean that it was all a lie? She really can't believe this right now.

"But you said you like her? Didn't you?'' she heard Patrick ask Elias.

"Yes I did say that, but I also remember not promising to stop enjoying my life and change myself," Elias replied to his father.

Esmeralda made sure to not make any noise so that they won't realize someone is outside and eavesdropping on them. And stop talking.

"What kind of a foolish and irresponsible young man are you? When you very well know that we need both you and Esmeralda's wedding to take place so that both Watson Realty and E & F cooperation can merge or else both you and I will see Watson Realty go down because of bankruptcy together because of your foolishness." Esmeralda felt like dying right there when she heard Patrick's next words.

So the whole reason he suggested this marriage alliance was because of this? If he had talked to her father about it he would have helped him.

He didn't need to do all this at all.

"Alright Dad, can you please calm down now? Since Esmeralda and I are already engaged and soon to be married. You don't have to worry at all because what happened will not repeat itself." Esmeralda heard Elias's Voice reassure his father.

"I hope so young man," Patrick said to his son.

"Don't worry because I promise and I will keep my word… really," Elias reassured his father again.

"Very well then." His father replied in a stricken tongue.

This is happening and she can't believe it. Esmeralda continues trying very hard to hold back her tears but she couldn't as they continue to flow freely.

"I wonder what would have happened if that reported didn't ask for money in exchanged for the photos he has of you and that woman," Patrick asked with his face full of disdain.

Esmeralda ran from there after listening to the conversation between the father and son.