Finding The Queen

After Caxon thought he had cleared enough ants he stopped and the group once again went on the defensive.

They continued fighting until the swarms of enemies seem to stop. Caxon and Silver instantly sat on the ground to quickly recover their strength, as for Amon he simply stood while looking at him while tilting his head.

'Young master I didn't want to distract you in a dangerous fight but why did you take the front and risk your own life so much by pushing ahead when you could have had me do the same thing with much less risk?'

Caxon smiled as he laughed and looked up at Amon.

'You are still only a rank 10 Hollow core I am sure you have limited mana as well. You will be responsible for most of the fight when we go to the queen and her elite guards. I want you to be as ready as you can be since me and silver combined will only fight 3 of the guards and you will take on 2 guards and the queen.'

'Young master why don't you simply send me in alone to the queens chamber and I will do as much damage as I can? If I am to die inside you can simply recreate my body and I will go in again until we are victorious.'

'I wish I could do that, but apart from the fact that I don't want to watch you die over and over again, and that fact that it would take too long I simply would not be able to. Judging by how much of my mana it takes to resummon Silver's body if I had to recreate you, I would only be able to do it once before I probably passed out. If the queen attacked at that moment and you fell again, I would die for sure. It is better for all of us to go in at once and fight our full strength versus theirs that is the best chance for us to win.'

Amon simply nodded in understanding and bowed to hid his smile, he was glad that this young man wasn't a vicious ruler. When the Generals of the previous Caxon learned that they would follow someone else this was something that they all feared since their bonds to whoever controls their soul would stop them from rebelling no matter what.

After Caxon and his group recovered their strength, they climbed down the rest of the tunnel. The tunnel went from a steep drop to a flat hallway. Strangely he could see dim lights coming from the end of the hallway.

The group looked at each other before Caxon nodded and they all walked towards the light. What he saw at the other end was surprising for him.

The hallway opened up into a giant room with many smaller tunnel entrances in it. The scattered across some of the rooms walls there were strange blue crystals embedded in the wall that gave off a very faint glow.

'No wonder this queen was able to grow so fast, luckily we got here when we did or she would definitely be a class 2 beast in just a few days. Those stones are raw mana stones, they naturally store large amount of mana inside of them. They are usually extremely valuable since they can be used to created refined mana stones which mages use to improve their mana cores. The problem is that most of these have already had their mana absorbed, it seems as though the queen and these guards having been sucking the mana out of them to grow stronger.'

As Amon explained what these stones were Caxon's eyes shined before he learned that they had already been used. As Amon finished Caxon then focused his eyes on their enemies.

The 5 guards stood in front of the queen in a line threateningly clacking their mandibles at the invaders. These ants had the same height as the others however they were slightly shorter and less wide. Their mandibles seemed much more powerful and their carapace looked very similar to the mantis' and looked just as hard.

The queen herself was very large, most of the size came from the semitruck sized stomach at the back of the ant. The queen also had mandibles and they were much longer than the other ants, they were also straighter and had sharp points.

Behind the queen nearly a hundred eggs sat and sometimes seemed to jiggle or move slightly. Caxon was amazed and terrified of the number of eggs this queen produce. Even now the queen could be seen pushing out another egg from her massive stomach.

He looked at the Queen and her guards who also stared back at the group. He was confused on why the ants would just sit there as the people that killed the rest of their family just stood in front of them.

It was at this moment that 5 eggs hatched and the ants instantly ran underneath the queen where Caxon noticed for the first time a huge pile of what looked like meat had been stacked. As the 5 new born ants ate the meat he could see them growing bigger and bigger in real time.

'It looks like waiting won't help in this, case lets go Silver take the Guard furthest to the right, I will take on the two furthest to the left, Amon you charge straight for the queen and deal with anything that gets in the way.'

With the orders given the team charged towards the ants. The guards seemed furious that anything would dare attack the queen as they counter charged to protect their mother.

Once again Caxon was not able to watch his followers fight and had to trust that they had everything under control.

He stood in front of two guards who stayed close together as they moved in an arc around him keeping the queen behind them but still looking for an opening. He also watched his opponents as he tried to find an opening to attack.

It was at this moment that Amon had jumped over the guards he was supposed to face as he attacked the queen directly. He coated his sword in mana and the shadow element as he slashed towards the giant ant.

The ant was still quick enough to react and blocked the sword with her spear like mandibles. However, Amon's mana was powerful and it was able to cut a chunk of the queen's mandibles off. The queen screech in pain and anger as she wanted nothing more than to kill Amon instantly.

When the guards noticed their queen had been attacked, they instantly ignored the people they were supposed to be fighting and charged at Amon.

'Why can't everything just go as planned?'

Caxon sighed in his heart as he saw all 6 class 1 ants attack Amon at once.