
The world was a mysterious place. Worthy of admiration and reverence.

There was no accurate historic documentation of when the mutants emerged. But it has been two hundred years since the mass media introduced them as heroes.

Two hundred years ago, when the kingdoms all over the world attacked each other and pillaged for resources. They surfaced The superheroes of the world.

Their abilities became the leading factor that guarded their kingdoms from the tyranny of the rulers. They were so few in numbers. But the destructive capabilities they possessed were no worse than a nuclear bomb. If they wanted they could delete a world leader out of existence and destroy an intercontinental ballistic missile before they land. They were that strong!

They launched the movement to sign peace treaties and formed alliances to save the world. When the existing kings and monarch showed their middle finger against it. They severed that same middle finger and used it to sign the documents. It was a bloody and nasty time.

But heroes emerged and saved the world. After that, most kingdoms became nations while some accepted the idea of democracy.

Some might have doubts why Life Corps was one of the largest organizations in the whole world. For that, you need to know the history of the world. How a run of the mill pharmaceutical company tuned into the giant that it is now. You need to know how many lives they saved in the war. And all that under the leadership of a man.


Alan made his way through the caves. He knew that if he could breathe this easily inside a cave. There must be an opening to the surface somewhere near. Or else how can there be air oxygen inside the cave.

If he can find this opening, he will be able to escape. Now that he could use his superpower freely, Alan became more focused on finding ways to use them creatively.

He made a flame appear in his palm just by releasing energy. The logic behind this might be when gas molecules vibrate at a very high frequency. The atoms get superheated and bleed off the excess energy as light and heat. The skill heatwave was doing something like that.

Alan could even control the intensity and direction of the heatwave with his mind around a radius of ten meters. Why ten meters?

The system gave an answer to that question. It said that area of control was related to his mind attribute stats shown in his status. The higher the mind value, the more area of control he has. The area of control was like a sphere with a ten-meter radius with Alan in the centre. It was a fascinating concept.

Now that he has a basic understanding of the skill, he looked at a rock and tried to heat it the same way. But boy was he wrong. It took almost all the remaining energy to just heat a football-sized piece of rock to red hot.

The difference between heating fluids and solids was like hell and heaven. The low intermolecular attraction between the air or water molecules was easy to break.

But, when it came to the solids. He was perplexed by how hard it was.

'Status!' called out Alan.


System-Level: 1

Human: Advanced(Evolving)



Mind: 10


Comment: Alive and healthy. But, a feeble life form.


• Energy assimilation: Can digest all forms of energy.

• Active Energy Sense: Sense the energy around the host.

• Heatwave: Controlled release of energy as heat.

Now with only one unit of energy left. Alan decided to save it for emergencies.

With his new abilities, Alan had to plan many things. He was just a commoner before. Even in his dream, he didn't think he would become a mutant.

And now, as a mutant. There were many more options before him. He could join some large organizations like Life Corps and be wealthy.

There was no doubt that his family situation would improve. So, Alan never planned to hide his ability.

When he asked the system how to grow and increase his attribute points. The System's reply was simple. 'Absorb energy.'

By absorbing energy, Alan could convert it to system points. This point can be used to unlock the system-level, gain attribute points or unlock special services from the system.

It was an enticing offer. So, by not hiding his abilities like a good for nothing. Alan could gain the support of the Life Corps and grow exponentially.

With that in mind, Alan left the corpse of the beast as it is. He needed that as evidence to show his prowess.

Moving through the cave was taxing. After an hour or so, he still couldn't find the exit that he was looking for.

Suddenly, from the corner of his vision. Alan saw someone. A silhouette of a human.

The cave was huge and it was pitch black inside. There was no light whatsoever. But this figure moved through the cave very fast.

It was almost as if he could see in the dark. Alan tensed up seeing the figure coming closer and closer. Then suddenly, it stopped.

It was a human covered in black cloths from head to toe. His face was covered by a mask made out of fabric.

He was a couple of meters away from Alan. After stopping, he sniffed the air before launching himself at Alan.

A sword seems to have appeared in his hand and was now moving towards Alan extremely fast.

"Hm... Prey, hiding behind the rock, come out." He slashed his sword towards Alan. Licking his lips, he looked towards Alan.

Alan dodged the blade before falling onto the ground. If he hadn't, he would have lost a hand.

"Tsk, You can see me. How unexpected." He looked directly at Alan. "Where is the mutated animal?"

Alan froze, He was more scared now than when he faced off against the beast.

The eyes of the black-clothed man were cold and ruthless. It was the eyes of a killer. There wasn't even a hint of humanity in those eyes.

Now those eyes were staring at him like a snake looking at its prey.

"If you could help me find the beast. I would let you go."

Alan knew that there was no chance of this man leaving him alive. With a quick motion of his hand, Alan threw a stone at the black-clothed man's face.

The man dodged it effortlessly.

"A fighter I see. I like it. It has been days since I last killed someone. You are lucky to die by my hand kid." Said the black-clothed man before slashing his sword towards Alan.

'Somethings wrong.' The slashing sword suddenly stopped.

Turning his head lightning fast, the black-clothed man slashed his sword. Just inches away from his head was a glowing spinning ball of light the size of a basketball moving towards his head.

"Slash..." With a slash of a sword. He easily deflected the light ball. There was no power behind it at all. A cheap trick like this won't work against him. There was a glee of victory in his eyes. Now he can slowly enjoy killing a mutant.

But, all that was for nought. Suddenly, the glowing ball of light that was deflected condensed again, although the energy in it seems to have decreased. The energy was focused in a smaller area and was much more condensed. It felt like a flaming bullet blitzing past air.

The flame bullet drilled into the skull through the eye socket of the unsuspecting man in black.

Your order is ready to serve. One skull of medium-rare brain coming up.