Little Brother

James went up from the road and tried not to cry anymore. He walked and dragged his bag limping and then glanced over at the path where his mother abandoned him. James sobbed on a village square that only had a street light in the middle of the night. After all, he's just a six-year-old kid who doesn't know what to do at that point. James was getting cold, and he had no choice but to enter the desolate grounds of the orphanage.

James knocked on the orphanage's front door, and soon a rather chubby man opened it. With a sarcastic expression, he glanced at James and then peered out.

"Is your name James Harristian?" asked the man curtly. Frightened James, was nodded. He swallowed a few times before the man snorted and half rebuked.

"get in!" James was forced to join the place he hated the most. That night was James' first night at the orphanage. The next day, he began to be left starving. At first, he didn't understand, but then he knew that even in a shelter, he had to survive.

James had to fight over food and beat other kids to eat. Because of his handsome face, he was frequently bullied and beaten by other orphanage residents. He has no friends, and James turns into a cruel cold boy. He doesn't go to school anymore because the orphanage's caretaker doesn't allow him.

Until one day, a three-year-old toddler was listed there. The toddler was scared and hungry. Somehow James could not bear to see him. For the first time, there was compassion in his heart. He took a plate of rice without side dishes and pulled the toddler into his lap. Slowly he fed the boy while eating together.

"What's your name?" James asked him as he ate.

"Joona." James smiled for the first time in months.

"Eat your food, Joona." The toddler nodded and ate like he wasn't a 3-year-old. James was later called by the orphanage caretaker, who informed him that he shared James' name with a new boy named Arjoona Kim.

James then took Joona's hand and smiled at him. He glanced at the caretaker of the orphanage and nodded.

"Give him my name. Now his name is Arjoona Harristian, just like me, James Harristian!"


There was quietness after James had sex. The girl fainted, unable to bear the pain. Meanwhile, after striving so hard, James released his heat desire and was now standing on the hotel room's balcony. Undressed, James put on a robe and went out to the terrace to enjoy the breeze in Paris's city of love.

Some of the sweat was still visible on his hairline, but it was soon dry by the evening breeze. They gently stroked his hair which is a blonde mix to brownish. Considering his mother is Indonesian, James never wondered where he got the European descent. However, James also doesn't look like a Southeast Asian either.

He took a cigarette and lit it up. James' eyes glistened with tears as he exhaled nicotine from his attractive pink full lips. James felt he was more brutal and cruel from time to time. And for a while, it stresses him out. He could no longer control himself while torturing his partner in bed.

The satisfaction he got from torturing made him unable to feel pure pleasure itself. Something was missing, and he started to increase the intensity of the agony, but it still didn't work. James took another deep puff of his cigarette.

He is not a smoker. But somehow, later, he was smoking again. He took another puff, broke the cigarette, and stepped on it.

"Why can't I sleep!" he grumbled, sucking air from his nose and rubbing his hair. James walked out of the room, which was messy with the strange things he had used during the intercourse earlier. He went into the another connected to his and tried to lie down.

He tried to sleep but couldn't. His body was back and forth as if he was thinking hard about something.

"Ah, I can't go on like this!" he grumbled irritably. He didn't want to pull out his last weapon. But James had to rest after the exhausting sex. He finally took out Delilah's hair tie and held it tightly. A pair of index fingers and thumbs rub against each other with a small flower ornament in the middle.

"Candy!" he murmured slowly, then relaxed more and began to sleep. Not long after, James was finally able to sleep.

As if nothing had happened, Earth took care of everything the next day. From bringing the unconscious girl to the hospital and covering up James' businesses as usual to a special maid cleaning the room and storing James' equipment after she sterilized it. All this while James was eating breakfast and reading the morning news.

He chaired meetings at Superhart Tech and his arms company. By noon, James was back on his plane. This time he had to go to Belgium for a business meeting. After meeting some clients, he called his best friend, Jayden Lin.

"Hey, Jay..."

"Where are you?" Jayden asked bluntly.

"Belgium for a business meeting."

"Can you see me in Hong Kong? There's something serious I want to talk to you," Jayden replied. James, who was about to get on the plane, stopped and sighed for a moment.

"I can't, Jay. I have to go to Austin, Texas, for an engine test."

"Then I'll be there. I need to talk to you."

"Okay, see you later." James walked back to the plane and was ready to fly to Austin, Texas. He has not had time to return to Italy and is still busy with business.

Soon, James' jetplane took him to Texas to test the F1 engine he produced. As one of the companies that make engines for racing cars, James is always present in events such as F1 or Grand Prix.

He has his stands on the racing circuit. His money is also used for occasionally betting until no one dares to bet because the chances of mainly winning are negligible if James Belgenza joins.

Jayden came the next day. He promptly went into the workshop to see James. After a while, Jayden waited for James to finish with his work. James supervised the engine installment for a team. After the chief mechanic agreed at James, James took Jayden out of the workshop to a VIP stand. They sat at a table and chairs reserved for the boss and the team owner in the competition.

"Is there a match today?" James shook his head.

"The new racing season is next month. Now it's just a test drive and practice." Jayden nodded.

"It seemed so important that you caught up here."

"There's something I want to ask," Jayden said, moving his chair closer.

"Do you know Arjoona Harristian?" James' eyes widened. He leaned closer and folded his arms on the table.

"How did you know about Arjoona Harristian?"

"Who is he?"

"My raised brother, we are from the same orphanage. The owner of the orphanage gave him my last name." Jayden nodded again.

"My birth name is Dastan James Harristian. Arjoona doesn't have a last name. That's why I gave him mine. Therefore, his name is Arjoona Harristian," repeated James.

"Do you know where he is now?" James shook his head.

"I was traded from the orphanage when I was 12 years old. At that time, Arjoona was 10. Since then, I have never seen or heard of him anymore."

"I tried looking for him, but I heard the orphanage was gone after I left. The owner committed suicide, and the Social Service took all the remaining children." Jayden was still listening to James' life story.

"There's something you should know, James. Your adopted brother isn't just any random person. He's the lost heir of Kim Corporation," Jayden replied in a half-whisper. James raised an eyebrow and thought while holding his chin.

"The problem is we don't know if he's still alive or not." James nodded.

"Then, how?" James asked again.

"We're searching for him. If he's dead, at least we can find the evidence. An uncle is looking for him right now. Tony Kim has a business relation with me. He directly contacted me when he found out that I knew something about your brother." James nodded understandingly.

"I'll look for him in Jakarta. I'll let you know when I get something," James said, and Jayden nodded.