Time to Pay

A blazing fast engine roars through the Austin F1 circuit. James was standing near the pit stop with headphones to communicate among the team members and the rider. He occasionally turns his head to follow the passing cars. He wore sunglasses with a navy blue shirt and denim pants from a well-known design.

"We have to increase the RPM," James told the team's chief mechanic. The man who stood beside him then nodded. James' job is done. Now it's just a matter of meeting the team owner and taking payment.

"How was it?" the team owner asked James as soon as he came in and took off his headphones.

"As you wish, 12 seconds faster." The team owner grinned with satisfaction.

"I am always happy with your factory-made machines, Mr. Belgenza." James just smirked at the praise for him. One of the team boss's assistants then showed the iPad screen, and the man nodded. He took the iPad and showed James as the sign that they had transferred the money to him. James smirked and nodded.

"No other team has your engine, right, Belgenza?" James grinned and took off his gloves.

"No," he answered shortly. The man nodded again then smirked at James.

"I like doing business with you. Hopefully, we can see each other again!" The man chuckled then held him suddenly, and James glared at him because he didn't like being hugged by a stranger.

"I gotta go," stated James coldly. He quickly turned around and walked out of the team's workshop, off the circuit, and following Earth.

"I know that jerk is watching on me. Just sell the engine for next week to the second team. He will lose at the start of the season!" James said to Earth and one of his new bodyguards, Gray Hunter.

"I'll make sure to send the engine to McLaren, sir," said Gray in response. James nodded and turned his head to look at the outside of the car. He was going to the airport to board his private plane to come home.

"Is my work done?" James asked Earth moments later.

"It is for now. I'm still gathering as much information as I can get about Arjoona Harristian. Right now, I identified that he works at Winthrop's electronics factory in Jakarta." James frowned and turned to see the back of Earth's head who was driving the car.

"That company... owned by Gerald Winthrop?"

"That's right… Vincent Winthrop's father. Our prime suspect." James sighed and glanced outside again.

"For now, we should go back to Naples. Isn't Mark Starley going to pay his debt tomorrow?" continued Earth again reminded. James nodded without looking at him.

"How could I forget!"


Delilah is back at her flower shop as usual. Her father is not home yet, and neither is her brother. But they sent a letter that they were in Milan for a job. Mark even wrote that he had returned the money and worked to pay off the rest. That's why he went to Milan with Oliver.

Delilah is now feeling at ease to have the good news from his father and brother. At least now, Delilah knew that they worked hard to earn money to pay off loan shark Mr. Felipe before the end of next month.

Stefano then came to the flower shop to see Delilah. He grinned to see Delilah was back to normal. She did not look gloomy anymore.

"Are your problems solved?" Stefano asked by leaning against the counter. Delilah smiled and nodded.

"Yes, my father has returned half of the money, and now they were going to earn the rest. He's in Milan looking for the money." Stefano pursed his lips and nodded understandingly.

"That means I can borrow the money from you, right?" Stefano said, but Delilah frowned at him.

"I don't have the money yet, Stefano." Delilah then returned to her activities of arranging flower bouquets. Stefano snorted in annoyance and started sulking.

"Didn't you say your brother paid the money? That means you have no more debt!"

"But I have to pay Mr. Felipe's debt. Didn't I give you the money a few days ago?" Stefano was silent and turned his face away.

At the same time, James got out of his SUV car in front of a narrow alley that fit one vehicle with his men following. He frowned at the slightly smirking Earth.

"What the hell is this place?"

"This is Miss Starley's flower shop, sir!" replied Earth. James took a deep scoffed and walked to the front of the shop.

"Who would want to buy flowers in such a cramped place? She must be joking!" he chirped sarcastically. He put a code to his two bodyguards to enter and open the door. James went and followed by Earth while the rest of his men waited outside.

Delilah and Stefano looked around at the same time as the door opened when two men walked inside the shop. James Belgenza followed his men. Delilah's eyes widened when she saw the ruler of Naples in front of her now. James's eyes widened as he peered around.

"W-what are you doing here?" Delilah asked from behind her cashier counter anxiously.

"I want to take my money," James answered curtly. Delilah was shocked. Isn't that debt paid already?

"I've been waiting for you since yesterday, but you never came to pay the money," continued James. Delilah didn't understand and was stunned at her place.

"But I-I paid for it, Mr. J," replied Delilah with a frown. Stefano then turned to see James.

"Who are you?" Stefano curtly asked without hesitation about James. James turned his head slightly and recognized that a man younger than him was there.

"Who are you?" James asked back curtly.

"He's my boyfriend, Mr. J," said Delilah. James glanced back at Delilah. He quickly disliked hearing those words and had jealousy at the same time.

"So you have a boyfriend!" he stated, tenser.

"So what? Is there any problem with you!" chirped Stefano as if challenging James. James then glanced with the corners of his eyes and a cynical expression.

"I don't like it when people respond to me like that. Especially when a kid like you dare to say something at me!"

"Who the hell are you... aaahhh!" James quickly grasped Stefano's neck with one hand before he said something. Delilah screamed in shock and started to get scared. James is not a man of compassion. He can break Stevano's neck with one hand.

"Let him go!" rebuked Delilah trying to help by holding James' hand that was gripping Stefano's neck.

"I beg you, Mr. J, please let him go!" Delilah pleaded, almost crying because she saw that Stefano was barely breathing. Earth and James' bodyguards watched the scene silently.

"How dare you answer me again with such a tone, I will break your neck!" James growled in anger then released his grip. Stefano instantly fell, and Delilah spontaneously knelt to hold him.

"Stefano… are you okay?" Delilah asked was starting to cry. Stefano was weak and coughing while holding his reddened neck. Meanwhile, James stared at Delilah with disapproval. She was too close to him, and James hated it. James' hand then grabbed Delilah's arm, forcing her to stand up. Forcefully, their faces drew closer. James growled in annoyance and was about to vent his emotions, but those innocent blue eyes dropped his anger.

"Where's my money?" James asked in a lingering rage.

"I-I gave it to you, Mr. J. I have given your money back!" Delilah replied, half sobbing in fear.

"Where's your father!"