Come With Me

"M-my dad, h-he's in Milan," Delilah replied timidly. James frowned and stayed to stare at Delilah.

"He tricked me. Now you have to pay for it!" Delilah was more perplexed. What happened exactly?

"I swear, Mr. J. I gave the money to my father, and he said he would give it back to you." James sighed and understood now. Mark had deceived him and his daughter. He must run away by now.

James loosened his grip on Delilah. He walked closer to Delilah, who was afraid to retreat. James didn't stop until he barred Delilah up with his dominant height.

"Today, I want my money back. I don't care who took your money. I want mine now!" James growled in a low, scary tone. Delilah trembled to scare and sobbed by shaking her head.

"I ... please give me more time, Mr. J. I don't have the money now," Delilah sobbed petitely. She was making James' heart thumped faster. He had never felt that way. No tears could make him melt, but now everything is changed.

"I want my money," James gritted still in the same tone. Delilah's innocent face and eyes then lifted and gazed at James. James almost lost his determination and cold expression.

"I only have 100 Euros. I-I promise to refund your money as soon as possible. Please don't kill me!" Delilah kept begging for her life.

"Bring the money to my mansion this afternoon. Don't try to run away!" gritted James in response to Delilah's request. Delilah covered her mouth and cried. But James didn't care. He turned around and stared at Stefano with a cynical smirk at the corner of his eye.

James walked out from the little flower shop and was followed by Earth with his two bodyguards. Meanwhile, Delilah was crying over. She found out that her father had taken away the money she had prepared to pay James Belgenza. Stefano was angry that Delilah dragged him into trouble. He then got up and scolded her back.

"So this is your reward for my help! You are an illiterate girl!" Stefano pointed with an annoyed face. He was still holding his neck, which hurt from James' grip earlier.

"Stefano..." Delilah called while sobbing. She shook her head because she didn't know that would happen. Stefano was angry and then left like that by leaving Delilah. There was nothing Delilah could do but cry and frustrated. Now she doesn't know how to get more money to return.

"Oh, my God… what should I do?" Delilah sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

Meanwhile, James growled in annoyance that Delilah had a boyfriend. He was also annoyed at Mark tricking him again. Earth, who was driving a car, didn't dare ask James anything. He seemed unable to be reprimanded. Earth then drove James back to his mansion. Arriving at the home and going inside, James spoke to Earth.

"Where's Mark Starley?" James asked Earth.

"He's been missing from Naples for a week. I think he went off, sir!" replied Earth. James snorted in annoyance and took a drink from the bar counter. He poured himself a glass of Scotch before drinking it.

"Give me the collateral letter!"

"I'll get it, sir." Earth left James in the barroom and walked inside to get the contract that Mark and James had made.

James was waiting for Delilah to come to his mansion. He doesn't do any work and spends his precious time waiting for his money to come. But Delilah never came. When it was 4 p.m., James couldn't wait any longer. He got up from his chair, then tucked the paper into his suit, and walked out.

James had his five bodyguards in his cars and Earth as James' driver to get to Delilah's house. James couldn't tolerate it anymore. This time he will take the debt guarantee at any stakes. Arriving at Delilah's apartment, James couldn't find her.

"Where is she!" James rebuked his men. A guard following Delilah then informed her current position. James frowned but soon returned to his car. He went to the house of a loan shark named Felipe Moreno.

James didn't say anything during the trip. He waited until he arrived in front of a house that looked more magnificent than its neighbors. One of James' men then opened the gate of the house. Before long, some men working for Felipe got in the way of James and his men. Two of James' bodyguards quickly pulled out their guns and pointed them at the men so that they stepped aside. James' path was smooth, and he went to the courtyard without obstructions.


Delilah has no more way to solve her problem than going back to Felipe's house. She was asking for more money. She received only one week of 30 thousand euros, and now she wants to borrow again.

"Do you think my piggie bank can provide that much money? Give me back the money you borrowed first!" Felipe was rebuked when he heard Delilah's intention to meet him.

"Please help me, Mr. Felipe. I promise I will return it to you!" Delilah sobbed that she kept begging. She had no other way to get the money.

"No way!"

"Otherwise, I could be killed by someone who's chasing my debt!"

"That's none of my business! What's clear is that if you can't pay my money back. Then, think of another way to return it!" Felipe's eyes then scanned Delilah. She was dressed like villagers. It was such an ugly dress. Delilah noticed that Felipe was looking at her disrespectfully, and then she stepped backward. She covered her upper body by lingering her hands. Felipe smirked more mischievously, and he grabbed Delilah's hand to drag her into his room.

"Aaa… what are you going to do, Mr. Felipe? Let me go! What do you want!" Delilah tried to resist, but she couldn't. Felipe continued to pull Delilah and put her into a room. Felipe tried to harass Delilah by ripping her dress.

"Let me go!"

"Shut up! You don't have money, do you? Then pay with your body!" Felipe rebuked the side of Delilah's dress more until it tore. It revealed the skin of her arm. Its smooth fairy skin made Felipe think bad and smirked evilly. He forced his arms around Delilah to kiss her.

Earth then kicked the door, and it opened. James' eyes instantly widened, and his emotions rose to the top when he saw an older man almost rape Delilah. He paced quickly, pulled Felipe's remaining hair back, then promptly punched him right in his face.

"Ah… who are you!" Felipe didn't have time to anticipate when another punch landed on his belly and chest. Sadistically, James threw Felipe's chubby body against the wall until he hit hard and groaned painfully.

"How dare you touch mine!" growled James angrily. Delilah was scared to death, and she kept sobbing.

"Ahh… I don't know who you are!" Felipe screamed in pain on the floor. Earth was a little shocked to see his boss acting unexpectedly. But he pulled Felipe's shirt collar and brought it in front of James.

"Look at my face! No one in this town who doesn't know about me!" repeated James in a scary growl. Felipe, who had just seen clearly, instantly knew who he was dealing with now.

"M-Mr. Belgenza!" another hit by James for Felipe, but Earth grabbed him to keep him upright.

"Aaahhkk… I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know she was your girl!" replied Felipe, half crying.

"Why did you touch her?" James asked after hitting him.

"She borrowed money from me, and now she wants to gain more to pay off the debt," Felipe replied in pain and fear. Earth then handed Felipe to his men so he could be held.

"I beg to you, Mr. Belgenza, please forgive me," continued Felipe in fear.

"Do you know your mistake? You touch James Belgenza's possession. That means you have to die!" Felipe shook his head in fright.

"Show him some lessons!" James ordered his men, and they dragged Felipe out of the room.

"Please… please don't, I beg you, Mr. Belgenza… I beg you to forgive me!" Felipe shouted, begging for his life.

James turned to Delilah. She was terrified and hiding her face, sitting on the floor. He crouched down and stroked her head gently. Delilah's facelifted to see James with her re eyes and cheeks crying. Her glasses were off, and it stood out her beauty.

"Follow me!"