I'm No Sweet Guy

Delilah shook her head frightenedly. James snorted in annoyance at Delilah, who didn't want to come with him.

"So you'd rather be ravished by that old man than come with me!" gritted James aggravated. Delilah was still sobbing and darting down. James then noticed Delilah's torn dresses, and she tried to hide part of her skin. James then took off his suit and put it on Delilah. Delilah was taken aback by James' alert to her. James then wanted to carry Delilah, but she refused.

"I'm fine, Mr. J," Delilah spoke in a soft tone. James examined for a moment, then stood up and told Delilah to stand. Delilah stood up, and James pulled her hand out of the room. Delilah had no choice but to yield when James pulled her out of the house to the car. She is like a timid kitten that unable to do anything. Delilah only surrenders if, finally, death is her consequence today. James took Delilah to his sports car and opened the door.

"Get in!" he ordered coldly. Delilah glanced at James and was forced to get into the car. Delilah had never ridden a sports car before, couldn't help but stare at the car's luxurious interior. James then got behind the wheel to drive.

In seconds, James drove his car without saying anything. Although she was wearing a seat belt, Delilah's hand was still holding on to the side of the chair she was sitting on it. She was terrified, as if she knew that death would soon approach.

James took her to his luxurious mansion. Delilah had never been there and kept staring at the building. James got out of his car after parking in the lobby. James's bodyguard then opened the car door for Delilah, and James wasted no time pulling her into his house.

"Let me go! Sir, what do you want!" Delilah asked, feeling James starting to push her. James didn't answer and instead took her into a room. He released Delilah after locking the room.

"W-what do you want?" Delilah asked, frightened. James stepped closer, and Delilah walked backward.

"Where's my money?" James asked by coming closer.

"I-I… I haven't got it yet, Mr. J." James then looked at Delilah and nodded.

"Then you must stay here." Delilah frowned and shook her head.

"Why? You rejected to stay?" Delilah nodded. James then pulled out a folded piece of paper from his suit pocket. He showed it to Delilah.

"You are the assurance of the money, Candy. So if your father can't return it, then you are the one who has to pay for it along with interest." James grinned evilly. Delilah was in disbelief to hear James. She grabbed the letter and read it.

"W-what is this?" Delilah asked in her shockingly. James took the letter out of Delilah's hand and illustrated it.

"This is the collateral that your father Mark gave me. You are the warranty of the debt. If he can't return the money within one week, you will return it with 5 percent interest per day. If you can't take it, then I can do whatever I want to you!" stated James arrogantly and slightly raised his chin.

Delilah started to blurry. Her breaths were faster, and her heart thumped hard.

"I don't want to be your slave," Delilah replied with tears in her eyes. James chuckled and shrugged.

"You thought we were at a market, so you have a choice?" sneered James, and Delilah could only look down.

"You have to do whatever I want!"

"No, I can't!" James' eyes narrowed. How dare anyone refuse his request.

"Then pay my money now!" rechallenged James. Delilah lost her mind. She suddenly remembered the kindness she had done to James.

"I saved your life. So let's say that the money is worth what I did," said Delilah. She dared to negotiate with mafia leaders like James Belgenza. James opened his mouth slightly in surprise at the girl's courage. Delilah was scared to death, but she didn't know how to defend herself.

"You are asking for the price of saving my life?" Delilah nodded. Delilah looked more adorable to James at this time. The girl is spineless but determined.

"Do you know what is the fate of those who dare to negotiate with me?" James asked was trying to scare Delilah. Delilah rolled her eyes slightly and thought. James raised an eyebrow and examined Delilah from hair to toe.

"I-I'm not scared of you!"

"Oh, you do have to, little girl. I'm not a man like in TV drama. I can kill whoever I want, and no one can bring me down!" James stated proudly. His expression didn't change into a smile or friendly at all. He stayed calm and fierce. It got Delilah to feel more scared, but she must hold her life, no matter what.

"I-I d-don't want to be your slave!" said Delilah trying to run. James quickly grabbed Delilah's waist and locked her in his arms.

"I will enjoy your body tonight, Candy. So from now on, your place is in my room!" whispered James growling in Delilah's ear. Delilah was crying and screaming, but James quickly lifted her and carried her into a room.

It was the largest room in the mansion. It was luxurious and wider than Delilah's apartment, yet it didn't leave her dumbfounded like when she entered the house a few minutes ago.

It was not difficult for James to drag Delilah into his room, screaming to be freed. The girl was thin and light. Not comparable to James that as a catwalk model. Delilah was like paper to James, who has brawny arms though not big muscles but very powerful.

"Let go of me… please… help me!" shouted Delilah trying to get away. Her feet couldn't touch the floor because James carried her into the room. James closed the door then. Seeing Delilah continue to fight, James threw Delilah against the wall near the entrance and locked her with both arms and body.


"Listen to me, Candy, from now on. You will live here. If you want to leave, then you have to return my money along with 10 percent interest every day." Delilah looked up at James in disbelief. He even raised the interest.

"Yeah… I raised it. It's because you dared to negotiate with me earlier. Do you think my life is worth 100 thousand Euros, huh?" James hissed right in Delilah's face. Delilah could see James' flawless skin. The man was perfect and handsome, but Delilah saw that he was only a devil.

"Let go of me… you evil guy!" James' fist hit the wall right next to Delilah's face. It made Delilah close her eyes in fear.

"I won't let you go, Candy, got me!" Delilah didn't dare to answer anymore and kept her head down. James then straightened up and turned to leave Delilah. He opened the door and went out, and locked the door. Delilah discovered that she was locked up and tried to bang on the bedroom door.

"Open the door… don't lock me up here! I beg you, Mr. J!"