Trapped In a Debt

Delilah was sobbing and sitting beside the bedroom door. She was hugging her knees. Delilah still can't believe that her father sold her to James Belgenza. She is currently the slave of a man she doesn't know. Whereas a week ago, her father came to convince her that he wanted to protect Delilah by returning the money. Delilah then remembered the words Oliver had said before he left.

"Is that why he talked to me like that? Because he knows?" Delilah murmured to herself. Delilah looked down again. While sobbing, she felt the necklace left by her mother that her grandmother gave her before she died.

"What should I do, Mother? I'm trapped here," Delilah mumbled, taking a breath to calm. She was so scared and couldn't think. Delilah then peeked at her body. She was still wearing the suit that James had given her earlier. The man was mean, but Delilah was comfortable in his clothes. She even pulled the hem of it to cover her body more.

Delilah is still crouching in the same position. With her beautiful but wet eyes, she was exploring the immensity of the bedroom. She was stunned to see the big and majestic room. The combination of a minimalist and vintage design makes the room warm, intimate, and modern.

"What room is this? Why is it so huge!" Delilah muttered, still in astonishment at the room's indulgence and spaciousness. Delilah didn't dare to stand up. She still sat hugging her knees, cornering to the vast world she had just walked inside it.

While outside, James finished his talk with Jayden about his plans to return to Jakarta to pick up Arjoona.

"Are you sure you want to go home?" Jayden asked.

"Well... I want to take my brother with me. He works for Winthrop, after all. Isn't that the son of the owner of Winthrop was the killer of Joona's parents?"

"Yes indeed. Even so, there is something peculiar here. Maybe when we are in Jakarta, we can investigate everything." James hummed in agreement.

"Then I will arrange my schedule first. Shall we go together?" James asked, walking toward the kitchen.

"We will see later. I have to take some tests for Ratu's surgery before leaving."

"OK. We'll talk about it later. Take care of yourself, Jay!"

"You do too!" James hung up the phone, took his apron, and tied it around his waist. James is the equivalent of a professional chef. He is good at cooking and often makes his food. Although his mansion had a five-star chef, he would cook to calm his emotions if James were upset.

Silently, James made dinner for two people. Deftly, he took the ingredients and vegetables from the refrigerator and washed them. James cut them into as many pieces. He also grills meat and some vegetables with prepared spices.

It only took less than 20 minutes, and it was all done. Two plates of steak and mushroom soup along with vegetables and mashed potatoes. After plating the food, James served them at the dining table. He went back to wash his hands and then dry them. Before eating, he wanted to clean himself and change clothes.

Calmly, James entered the room. When he opened the door, Delilah was still crouching by the door. Delilah's eyes set from the toes to James' face. James stood annoyingly with his hands on his hips.

"Why are you still sitting there!" James rebuked curtly. Delilah didn't answer and just looked down. James scoffed and grabbed Delilah's arm to get her up without saying anything.

"Take them off!" said James as he pulled his suit around her. He held it and pointed at Delilah's torn clothes.

"L-let me go home, Mr. J!" James snorted sarcastically.

"You didn't hear what I said or acted deaf!" quipped James raised his tone at her.

"I have no clothes!" said Delilah giving reasons. James lifted the corners of his lips and pulled Delilah's hand to come with him. He brought him into a room. The room had closets full of clothes, shoes, accessories, and everything James needed daily. The large enough room was like a boutique. It had mannequins that were displaying expensive suits.

James pulled Delilah's hand in front of a closet. He slid the door as it revealed from various women's clothing to underwear. Delilah's mouth slightly opened, and her eyes widened. Why are there women's clothes in his walk-in closets anyway?

"Choose what you want and change them. Your clothes are torn!" James ordered effortlessly. Delilah still couldn't believe it. When did he prepare all of them? Or maybe he does have a collection of women's dresses for his peculiar behavior?

"What are you thinking so much? Why haven't you changed yours yet!" rebuked James, interrupting Delilah's thoughts. Delilah half jolted and looked down again. She glanced at the beautiful dresses in front of her. Delilah never had a new dress in her life. She only buys clothes once a year at old clothing stores. Therefore, her clothes are always old style, and sometimes some of them are torn. But Delilah was grateful for everything. The poverty she experienced throughout her life had her survive.

James then sat on a changing room sofa behind Delilah, looking at her. Delilah's hand reached out slowly to touch the hem of the dress. A simple babydoll dress caught her attention. Delilah instantly backed away as soon as her fingertips touched the dress's fabric. She spontaneously turned to face James.

"Have you chosen what you want?" James asked coldly.

"I-It's OK, Sir. I can wear this shirt, Mr. J. I'm fine. I just want to go home," said Delilah, pulling the torn piece of clothing back to cover her arm.

"You are butthead!" James stood up, took the babydoll dress Delilah had touched and given it to her.

"Take this!" Delilah was forced to take it because James had caused it. James then sat back down on the sofa and folded his legs. Delilah's brows furrowed. What did all this mean?

"W-what are you doing, Mr. J?"

"Take off your clothes now, Candy!" answered James casually.

"With you here?" James nodded. Delilah instantly shook her head to reject.

"I would never do that!" James laughed, got up, and strode to Delilah, who retreated closer to the closet.

"Other women will take off their clothes right away without me asking. But you who owe me a lot of money were not willing to change your clothes in front of me. What a shame! I want to see is whether my warrant meets my criteria or not." Delilah stared at James strangely and kept shaking her head. James pursed his lips even more.

"You such a little brat!" James grumbled then walked towards a wardrobe while unbuttoning his shirt. Then he opened the shirt with his back to Delilah. Delilah's eyes widened at the sight of James' athletic back. But what caught her attention was not that but the few scars on it.

She was stunned at a phoenix tattoo on one side of his back with two moles forming a straight line. Delilah swallowed a few times, mainly when James turned around and smirked at Delilah with her red cheeks.

"You will sleep with me!" James pointed arrogantly. He snorted sarcastically and walked past Delilah to enter a room that turned out to be a bathroom. Delilah was still flabbergasted and closed her eyes. She made the sign of the cross while begging for forgiveness from God.

"Forgive me, God. I've sinned. I shouldn't have seen that!" said Delilah, begging for forgiveness because she was stunned at James's body. Delilah quickly changed her clothes before James came out of the bathroom. When she's done, she sneaks out and wants to run away. But Earth was standing in front of James' bedroom door, smiling sweetly at Delilah, who was grinning strangely.

"Please, Miss Starley, it's dinner time. Mr. J has prepared dinner for you!" said Earth with a friendly smile.

"Ah, dinner?" Earth nodded again, and Delilah looked at her watch, and it was already past 6 pm. Her eyes widened, seeing how long she had spent in that grand mansion without being able to go home.


"Please, Miss, over here!" cut Earth to take Delilah, who couldn't help but have to follow him.