What A Steak!

James's palm smacked Delilah's butt and rubbed it to ease her pain. But Delilah didn't stop crying because of it.

"Let go of me," Delilah sobbed but still had to take a few more slaps.

"Now apologize for me!" James ordered in a growling tone and scary voice. While crying, Delilah caught her breath.

James slapped her more, and Delilah screamed in pain.


"I said sorry!" he growled more.

"I'm sorry, Mr. J. Please stop!" Delilah sobbed and was in stinging pain in her ass. She certainly couldn't sit with red, sore skin on her butt.

"Now pledge to obey me!" threatened James and prepared to slap more if Delilah would not obey.

"I promise… I beg you to stop. It hurts so much!" James let go of his grip then pulled Delilah to sit on James' lap.

"Aaah!" Delilah winced in pain as James forced her ass to sit up.

"Look what you did. Now all my outfits are wet!" James grumbled expressionlessly with a sharp look in his eyes. Delilah was also so drenched, but she could only stare at James.

"I asked you nicely for dinner, but look what you did. Now you've got me wet and stained my couch. How are you going to pay mine?" James pointed at Delilah, who was turning pale. Delilah didn't answer and was gasping to calm. James sighed and leaned back on the couch as if to relieve himself.

Delilah, who felt strange because she sat on James' thighs, then tried to stand up.

"You want to be punished again, huh!" Delilah's actions spontaneously stopped.

"Who gave you permission to come down?" James added. Delilah swallowed her saliva and didn't want to continue. James then stood up by carrying Delilah. Delilah was jolted, but she had to hold on to James to keep her from falling.

James carried her into his luxurious bathroom and placed her in the Jacuzzi like a feather. James turned on the faucet under the Jakuzi floor, and warm water slowly came out and quickly flooded its floor. Delilah didn't understand what was going on, so she looked at James strangely. James checked the temperature of the water to make it comfortable for her.

"Clean yourself up. You are dirty and smelly!" James blurted curtly. James stood up and walked out of the bathroom to close the door. Delilah saw the entire bathroom and was even more stunned. The bathroom was almost as big as her apartment, with a large luxurious Jacuzzi. Water began to fill the tub quickly. Some bomb baths then exit automatically from one of the holes.

Delilah's mouth opened even more with the luxury that James showed her. Delilah's body was surrounded by water getting higher and higher and then fragrant foam.

"H-how do I turn off the water?" Delilah asked, fumbling for the faucet but couldn't find the water's tap. Her hand tried to close the water hole, but the water didn't stop coming out.

"Ahhh… what should I do!" Delilah became panicked and confused. When she was busy closing the drain, the water unexpectedly stopped coming out. The water sensor has read if it is complete and stops automatically—Delilah was confused and didn't understand technology.

"Why is the water stopping now? Wow, the tub can stop the water on its own!" shouted Delilah with a stupid expression on her face.

Meanwhile, James changed into his wet clothes and dried his beautiful hair with a hairdryer. Still shirtless, James stared in the big mirror in front of him. He glanced back for a moment to see the bathroom door was still closed. Then James glanced at the mirror in front of him, the corners of his lips curled into a smile. He wore a black long-sleeved T-shirt matching sweatpants. He came out of the room and called Earth at the door.

"Please, heat the soup, then just put the dinner in the room," James ordered flatly, and Earth nodded.

"Yes, sir!" James walked while combing his hair towards his study on the 3rd floor of the mansion. Inside the study, the CEO of his company was waiting for him.

"Sorry, I disturbed your night, Mr. Harristian. I have to finish our delivery tonight." James, who had just entered, nodded and sat on his chair. His CEO was ready to do the work.

"Let's go over the report first!" said James as he sat down in his chair. The CEO nodded and gave James the report he wanted.

Delilah completed cleaning herself with a refreshing warm bath. The chills and dirt on her skin vanished after taking a shower. She felt fresher and beautiful. Delilah also washes her hair and lets go of the braids on her hair. She took two towels. One is to wrap around her body, the other to shroud her long hair.

Delilah stood in front of the mirror with an innocent face with no make-up and flawless white skin. Now she was confused as to what to do. Delilah took the clothes she had put off earlier. It was soaking wet and dirty. Delilah accidentally touched the clothing brand that is specially printed. Delilah tried to read the dress's brand she had previously worn out of curiosity.

"Versace..." she murmured slowly. Delilah's eyes widened, and she was surprised. Spontaneously she dropped it on the floor. Delilah then jolted and quickly picked it up.

"It is a pricey dress!" she mumbled, half shrieking. Delilah, who was not dressed and still wearing a towel, was perplexed.

"What should I do?" Delilah asked herself in the mirror. After calming down a bit, Delilah ventured out of the bathroom sneakily.

She looked into the walk-in closet, which was connected to the bathroom. Delilah made sure James wasn't there before leaving. Delilah was forced to wear the clothes in the closet that James had previously shown her. She took a plain dress with a skirt below her knees.

Delilah didn't want to see what brand of it. It was and chose to hold back the bad feelings of wearing expensive ones. The dress' material is very comfortable and soft. The size also fits directly on her.

After smiling faintly, Delilah also dried her hair using a towel. She did see a hairdryer there but decided not to use it.

Delilah stepped out of the walk-in closet with her hair down and bare feet barefoot. Her eyes kept looking left and right for the room owner. She had to ensure that the bad guy was not in the room.

Tonight it looks like Delilah will be trapped in James Harristian's mansion. But now, she was standing in the middle of the room with her stomach growling loudly.

"Ah, I'm hungry... I'm thirsty," Delilah muttered while holding her stomach. Her feet walked to find the exit but stopped in front of a sofa. On the table was served the dinner that Delilah had missed earlier. While looking left and right as if someone was watching, Delilah finally shifted slowly and sat on the sofa. A glass of water and warm milk are placed next to a plate of steak and a mushroom soup. Delilah put her hands together and prayed with her eyes closed before eating. She smiled and finished thanking God for the food tonight.

Delilah started by drinking water and then sipping her mushroom soup. The warm taste of delicious food instantly made Delilah shut her eyes.

"The soup was delicious... thank God. I must be dreaming of being able to eat like this!" shrieked Delilah while muttering.

Not wanting to waste time because she was starving, Delilah started cutting the steak and eating it. Every bite made Delilah want to cry in tears of joy. It tasted so good, and it was unimaginable that she would ever be able to eat it.

While enjoying eating, Delilah did not realize that James had walked into the room and watched her busy eating dinner. James stood by the couch and smiled faintly at Delilah. She is like a kid who loves good food.

Casually, James then sat down next to Delilah and spread his arms on the back of the couch. Delilah was surprised, then slightly inched back. But James' hand pulled her shoulder at him, so Delilah was a little closer to James. Her hand was still holding the piece of steak she hadn't realized she was aiming for in the middle of them. James saw the steak and devoured it casually. Delilah's blue eyes widened as she watched James chew her food.

"Do you like it? You should thank the chef!" James spoke teasingly, raising an eyebrow and smiling slyly.