Avoid The Lucifer

James came out of the kitchen with a wet face after cleaning the chocolate stain on his face. One of his guards then handed him a small clean towel. James took it and dried his handsome face while walking towards Earth, grinning oddly.

While glaring, he took the phone that Earth was holding. Earth was still grinning awkwardly for interrupting James when he kissed Delilah earlier. James then put the phone to his ear while turning his back to Earth.

"Yes, Jay?"

"What took you so long? What are you doing?" Jayden blurted in an annoyed tone. He had waited more than 10 minutes to speak to James.

"I..." James then looked back, glaring at Earth, who had not left. Earth was still grinning and quickly strolled away from James before ratting him.

"I'm on a little business with Delilah," continued James.

"What are you doing? You're scaring her again, huh!" James frowned.

"So... how about the day after tomorrow? Shall we leave?" James asked, changing the subject.

"That's why I called you. Could you leave without me? I think I'll get to you the next day. There's someone I need to chase down here, and that guy keeps fleeing away. I have to finish my business with him before I go to Jakarta," Jayden replied to give his reasons.

"I understand. Does that mean we have to stay?

"Of course. We'll probably stay a week there. So just rent a penthouse. I should probably go back to my house first before going to yours." James sighed and nodded.

"I've never been back to Jakarta all this time. So I don't know what the city is like now," James admitted to Jayden.

"Well, it's still the same as before with horrible traffic jams." James smiled slightly at that.

"Oh yes, James. I need one of your mechanics for my factory. There are things to fix and keep an eye on."

"I'll see if your machine can be repaired by my technician or not."

"Thank you, call me before leaving."

"I'll do it, Jay," James said before hanging up the phone.

James was still staring at the phone screen, soon in standby mode. He thought for a moment before his eyes looked up at his room.

It was getting late, and James wanted to rest early tonight. So he went to the room. But there was no one there.

"Candy?" called James as soon as he went inside. He checked the walk-in closet and couldn't find anyone. He also looked in the bedroom and still found no one.

"Candy!" James was still trying to call. He then went out and asked one of the guards.

"Where is she?" The guard then pointed to one of the guest rooms far from the main room.

"Miss Starley is in the room, sir," said the guard. James didn't nod and chose to walk straight into it. But as soon as he opened the door handle and locked it.

"Candy… are you in there?" James asked, trying to open the door. He was still trying to be polite by knocking on the door. There was no answer inside. James was still trying to hit and call Delilah from the outside.

"Candy, open the door!"

Meanwhile, Delilah pressed her back against the wall next to the bedroom door. She didn't dare speak or answer James at all. She was frightened after the incident in the kitchen. Delilah flustered so much. Her blush didn't go away, even though it had happened a while ago.

"Candy… I know you're inside. Open the door!" repeated James. Delilah still wouldn't answer.

"If you don't want to open it. I will unlock it. I have all the keys to all the doors in this house!" Threatened James but still flat.

"Candy...let's open the door. I won't hurt you, I promise," James pleaded to Delilah so she would open the door. But Delilah didn't budge.

James then turned around and gave a code to a bodyguard to get the key to the room. It only took less than 5 minutes until James got the key and started to open it. As soon as the door opened, Delilah came into view and started to take a step back. James came in and closed the bedroom door slowly while still looking at Delilah.

"I told you to open the door. Why don't you do it?" James asked still in a low voice. Delilah didn't want to answer. She just glimpsed at James without saying anything.

"Are you a dumber now? So don't want to answer my question!" Delilah still won't talk. James walked closer, and Delilah backed away. He was annoyed to see it. With his hands on his hips, James finally scouted over to Delilah.

"Come here, escort me to dinner," James said, trying not to get emotional at her. Delilah shook her head quickly.

"Candy… I'm starving. Let's eat!" gritted James one more time. He walked closer, and Delilah was backing away. Seeing this, he took a deep puff.

"I just want dinner; I won't bite you!" added James in an annoyed tone.

"I'm not hungry," Delilah replied after a long silence.

"Do you want me to bring your dinner here?" Delilah immediately shook her head.

"No... Mr. J," said Delilah in a subtle voice.

"Lordes has prepared it. If you don't want to come with me to eat, I'll have to kill that woman," said James casually. He then turned around and was about to leave the room.

"Mr. J... don't..." Delilah shrieked, then unconsciously walked closer. James stopped and turned back to Delilah.

"I-I'll have dinner with you." James raised an eyebrow and held out a hand. Delilah didn't get it, so James grabbed Delilah's wrist to come with him out of the room. James wasn't being rude to Delilah tonight at dinner. He pulled gently enough until she sat down on the dining table chair. But before unleashing his grip, James saw the scar from the rope tie he made a few days ago.

"Why didn't you tell me you hurt your hand?" James asked, asking about the scar. Delilah just kept silent while cursing in her heart.

'Weren't you the one who did that to me? What an evil man!'.

"Let's eat first. I'll treat it later," continued James again, releasing his grip. Lordes came over to serve dinner smiling at Delilah and James.

"Thank you, Lordes," James said, smiling at Lordes. Delilah had time to frown at James' strange behavior. It wasn't like he was the one who threatened to kill Lordes.

James and Delilah had dinner in silence. Neither of them said a word except for James, who occasionally stole glances at Delilah. At the same time, Delilah kept her head down while eating.

After dinner, James pulled Delilah's hand again. This time he chose to hold hands instead of pulling wrists. Delilah pulled her hand slightly as James brought her into his room.

"I don't want to come here," Delilah said in a slight tone. James stopped and turned around.

"Then where do you want to sleep?"

"Anywhere but here," said Delilah, and James sighed. He nodded then and came out still, pulling Delilah's hand with him. James thought that Delilah wanted to sleep in another room when she meant not to sleep in the same place with James.

"Which room do you want?" James asked in the middle of the corridor without letting go of his hand on Delilah. Delilah then looked around the rooms and pointed to the room she had previously been inside.

"That room?" Delilah nodded. James complied with Delilah's request and walked her into her wanted room. Once inside, Delilah thought James was going out but instead, the man locked the door and pulled Delilah onto the bed.

"I'm fine, Mr. J. You can leave," said Delilah, gently pushing James away because she saw that he hadn't even left. James raised his eyebrows and gave a small chuckle.

"So you still don't want to sleep with me?" James questioned casually, still smirking. Delilah instantly pouted and shook her head. James then pursed his lips and nodded. He still pulled Delilah towards the bed and sat her down gently.

"Wait here," James said with a severe expression. He walked to the bedroom door and opened it. James called for a guard and soon came back in and closed the door again. In his hands, there was anti-bruising cream given by his bodyguard earlier.

James sat down next to Delilah and took Delilah's wrist to apply the cream. James did it as carefully as possible, and Delilah looked at him oddly. It seemed that James, who had acted very wickedly and rudely yesterday, had faded. Why would he care about Delilah's injured wrist anyway? Where did all of James' arrogance leave?

"I-I'm fine, Mr. J," Delilah said in a soft voice, trying to stop James from treating her.

"I don't want you to get hurt. I have to be nice to my warranty, right?" Delilah was silent and looked a little confused.

"If you get hurt, I won't get my money back," added James making Delilah regret ever thinking he probably was a good person.

'What am I thinking? Indeed he is a good person willing to treat me selflessly. Soon he will be acting evil and strange again,' Delilah said in her heart.

James is good at making Delilah's good mood go away. He was still talking about things that annoyed her even more. After applying the cream, James put the rest tube back on a corner table. James then wiped his hands and started laying his back on the bed. Delilah, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed, was perplexed.

"Come here..." James patted the side of the bed next to him for Delilah to lie down with him. Delilah frowned and shook her head.

"Candy, I've never slept with a woman, and I'm so tired today. Come here, let's go to sleep," repeated James, this time more gently. Delilah's heart was getting mad. The impatient James finally pulled Delilah's hand gently to lay down next to James Harristian.