Baby Doll On A Dinner

Delilah never knows what mistake she has made in her past life that she is now lying in the same bed as the leader of the mafia group Daga Nero, famous throughout Italy. She has to lie down next to James Harristian or James Belgenza, the owner of Superhart Tech.

James looked up at the ceiling along with Delilah, who was scared to death that she would be raped. Delilah's hands were cold. The blood seemed to no longer flow to her head. It makes Delilah unable to think. James then turned to glance at her, still straightening her gaze. He smiled and chuckled a little. The giggling made Delilah reflect over him.

"What are you thinking about?" asked James and Delilah and darted back.

"Nothing, sir," said Delilah timidly.

"Why is it so hard for you to obey me? Our problem might be over if you weren't stubborn," James said in his soft alto voice.

"I-I just want to pay my debt," Delilah answered James. James took a deep breath and let it out quickly.

"Then follow me."

"Let me go so I can get your money, Mr. J." James snorted, then turned to Delilah, who had already turned her head to look at him first. He then shook his head.

"Your father has run away because I was kind enough to give him a chance. Didn't you also want to do the same for me earlier? How can I trust you?" asked James with a severe face. Delilah slightly lowered her gaze and did not dare to answer. James then straightened his head again.

"Other women must want to sleep with me, but you're scared instead. Am I not handsome enough?" James asked, trying to be funny. But Delilah glimpsed back at James with a frown.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I've never slept in the same bed with any woman," said James with his innocent face.

"But wasn't it..." James chuckled a little.

"You mean the woman from yesterday? Just for having fun. Nothing more." James' hand then felt and grasped Delilah's hand close to him.

"Sleep..." continued James more. James then closed his eyes, wanting to sleep. But Delilah didn't want to do the same. She even tried to take her hand off James.

"If you can put me to sleep, I will deduct the interest from your debt."

"Three percent?" blurted Delilah, immediately negotiating.

"Seven!" James cut in, still not opening his eyes.


"Deals!" said James and then turned to Delilah.

"Do you realize that you've just negotiated with the leader of Daga Nero, Candy?" continued James.

"I'm going to sleep, Mr. J." James nodded slowly while still watching her.

"But 5 percent..."

"Oh my God, Candy… yes 5 percent. But I have to sleep. Or I will withdraw it!"

"Don't... I-I'll put you to sleep, Mr. J." James sighed, and Delilah looked thoughtful. As James kept waiting and watching her, Delilah was confused about what she should do to put James to sleep. Delilah doesn't know what to do. She sideways a little, and then one hand that James wasn't holding was gently patting her arm.

Delilah hoped that gentle patting could put James to sleep. Smiling with a relaxed mind, James began to close his eyes. Meanwhile, Delilah fell asleep too. Delilah fell asleep next to James, who had closed his eyes first.

This morning James had an early meeting appointment. So Earth prepares to wake his Master. But the main bedroom is not open. One of the guards told him that James was sleeping in a room with Delilah.

Earth strolled, not wanting to wake him up and afraid of James getting angry. He was stunned near the bed to see James' strange sleeping position. He only gripped Delilah's hand, and Delilah's hand was seen resting on James' arm. A very mannerly sleeping for a woman and man in a room.

"Sir... Mr. Harristian..." Earth whispered, waking James up. James slowly opened his eyes and then turned to Earth without changing his position.

"We… have to go now," Earth whispered again, half grinning. James then glanced at Delilah, who was still fast asleep because it was very early morning. James signaled with his hand that he would wake up soon. Earth nodded then slowly exited the room.

James released his grip and removed Delilah's hand from his arm slowly and carefully. Once he could sit up, James peeked at Delilah with a faint smile in the morning. He stroked her hair gently before getting out of bed and out of the room.

James stretched his tense back muscles and looked at Earth as soon as he left the room.

"Give me 15 minutes." Earth then nodded and watched James' back walk away from the corridor to the main room. Earth then looked at the door to the guest room where James had just come out.

"Is he in love?" Earth sighed and folded her arms as he waited for James.

James got ready and left early in the morning refreshed after a night of sleepless nights. He finished some work and important meetings until finally, James used lunchtime to contact Delilah.

"Hello?" said Delilah from the mansion phone when James asked Lordes to give it to Delilah.

"Have you had lunch?"

"Yes, Mr. J."

"Good, get ready. Tonight we will eat out. Tomorrow I have to go abroad, so tonight I want to have dinner with you," said James as he walked out of the meeting room. Delilah still didn't answer. She was even confused why now James had invited her to dinner.


"I've prepared your dress in the changing room. I'll pick you up at 6. Be ready!" continued James without giving Delilah a chance to speak. James then hung up the phone, and Delilah was even more baffled.

Lordes then took her to the master bedroom and inside the walk-in closet. A sequin dress made of pastel chiffon will be Delilah's dinner dress.

While dressing, Delilah didn't think about anything until she finally thought of running away. It was an opportunity for her to escape since they would have dinner outside.

James even called in a Stylish to dress Delilah into a beautiful swan tonight. Delilah is not allowed to wear her glasses anymore. Her eyes are overcome with neutral color contact lenses.

It didn't take long to dress Delilah into a wonderful woman. The style made her hair a little wavy and loose. In a soft color dress, Delilah looks like a doll.

Lordes even clapped a little and was excited when she saw the make-up results.

"Mr. Harristian will like it!" said Lordes, half shrieking. Delilah just smiled faintly. She looked in the mirror. Like it wasn't her, she turned into someone else. Her blue eye color looks more evident because of the semi-natural make-up.

James came home early to pick up Delilah. He didn't need to change his clothes because the suit he was wearing was still neat. James wore a black Dormeuil Vanquish II suit and the Balenciaga shirt inside. While waiting for Delilah, James chose a Penthouse to rent for a week or so in Jakarta. Meanwhile, Delilah was carried down by Lordes through the main stairs.

James' eyes slowly lifted as he stared at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Delilah lowered her gaze slightly as she continued walking towards James. James gave the iPad to select the Penthouse on Earth as Delilah walked to him. A faint smile graced the corners of James Harristian's lips.

"Let's go!" said James, then walked first, and Delilah followed closely after turning a little to Lordes. James asked Earth not to come because he wanted to have dinner without any escort. James will drive his car. After the door opened and the two entered a Ferrari sports car, James went without speeding into a fine Michelin-starred restaurant.

Delilah and James didn't talk to each other, but Delilah made her way back. She memorized all the streets and alleys so that her escape plan this time would not fail. Arriving at the restaurant, James opened the door, grabbed Delilah's hand. Some eyes had turned to James Belgenza, the famous businessman and city lord holding a beautiful woman.

James was famous for not taking women around with him, but he brought someone with him out in public this time. And it was a different scene.