I Hate You

"Don't let anyone help her!" rebuked James from the end of the corridor as soon as he saw Earth, Grey, and Lordes. Earth and Grey, who witnessed James' brutality in the room, backed away and slowly left. They must leave Delilah still hanging there. James left shortly afterward to go into his room and clean himself up.

He bathed quietly and without any expression. After getting dressed, James sat in his walk-in closet room for a moment. He was contemplating and thinking. The days when he was trained hard by Fabrizio Belgenza echoed in his memory.

"Kill him, J!" whispered Fabrizio giving orders to James to kill a woman. She was caught being a police spy. The woman had been stripped naked and tied like an X. She had also been poorly beaten but wouldn't speak anything about her boss.

"But she hasn't spoken yet, Papa," James reasoned.