Breaking The Rule

James arrives in front of a star restaurant to meet Arjoona. Earth has arranged a meeting so that they can see each other. James walked in and was ushered directly by one of the restaurant employees. He rented a VIP room so he could freely encounter Arjoona.

"Mr. Arjoona Harristian will arrive in 15 minutes. I'll be waiting outside so I can thwart him right away," Earth said, and James nodded. Earth then came out, and James waited patiently in one of the comfy couches by folding his legs. Appetizers began to be served, and James just gave a cold nod of thanks.

While waiting, James took out his phone and called Grey Hunter in his mansion.

"How is everything?" James asked as soon as it connected.

"Everything is fine, Sir. Don't worry," Grey replied confidently.

"Where's Delilah?" Grey was silent and paused.

"Grey... where is she?" James reasked coldly.