First Draft

"Surrender yourself, the Family Head wishes for your return, milady." - a man said, kneeling.

In response, a ginger woman cast a relatively simple spell『 Acid 』. What was a surprise, however, was the lack of incantation. The acid simply appeared, thrown onto the kneeling man.

The woman in question, then, continued to run as fast as she could, a bag dandling off her shoulder as she moved. She aiming to head inside the town, which was northward from here. Though, realizing that she could not enter it looking so suspiciously as she has been, she managed to spot a sort of restaurant just outside the town.

She proceeded to run towards it, and upon getting inside, asked for the bathroom after slamming down some leftover money she managed to scrounge up. After being shown the directions to it by the confused bartender, she followed the directions and into the bathroom.

In it, she pulls her bag off her shoulder, and changes into a new set of clothing, on which was less restrictive and sporty, allowing for greater comfort. Afterwards which, using a spell of the fire element, 『 Burn 』, she burned off her bag, proceeding to then create a mental image of a dark-haired and much older woman as she consecutively cast 『 Disguise 』, a highly advanced spell of the illusion school as it allows to, for a time, change any if not all their body into whatever they desire, for a time.

With no hesitation, the miss promptly left the establishment, leaving the onlookers confused as to when she even entered in the first place.

The ones even more confused, were the people chasing her, as they came afterwards only to find out that a ginger lady entered the bathroom and never left.

As the, obviously important lady got inside the town after a speedy check of possession of dangerous items, she could finally have a moment to herself. 'That was cutting it close.' - she thought. 'I need to find somewhere to go, mix myself in a group, or a crowd, as soon as possible.' - she continued thinking.

It was indeed some marvelous thinking that she portrayed, since she was already disguised, all she needed was people to mingle with so as to not seem out of place as she is being chased.

As she speedily walks down several streets, some filled with people, some are empty, she sees no opportunity to casually involve herself in any pro-longed way. While speaking to the weaponsmith about his wares could surely give her reprieve, there is a limit to how long a conversation about buying weaponry can last.

It was not until the disguised ginger lady happened to see a sign, advertising the need of workers for their café that she saw a light in her time of need. As per the instructions of the sign, she went on inside, going up to the counter she saw a worker stood at.

"Hello! I saw an advertisement seeking for people to work here?"

Before the worker she addressed could answer, she heard a second voice from behind the person in question, a short woman with blonde twin ponytails.

"Heya! So you're here to get recruited, hm.... I see. Well, go on then, follow after me, c'mon. We will have an interview down inside."

Meanwhile, our main protagonist was somewhat shocked, yet still proceeded to follow the shorter woman out of her own desperation. Having went inside, the disguised woman we know of, was quick to find herself led inside a smaller room after passing the kitchen and corridor. Inside, the short woman showed her where to sit, and she obliged.

"Well then, what is your name, my dear?"

Our protagonist thought they are better off coming up with a name, considering their circumstances.

"That would Michelle Watson, I am pleased to meet you."

"Oh? Is that so?" - and before she could reply, the boss, who now leaned forward , continued - "How about you tell me your real name and show me how you actually look like? It's only fair if you'll be working with me. Can't exactly hire people to do a job if I can't trust them, hm?"

"E-elle B-betson, ma'am. As for my disguise, do you insist?" - Elle couldn't help but feel surprised that someone who seemed to have possessed no mana could tell she was practically using a fake identity.

"I must guarantee my girls their safety in this working environment, how can I do that if I don't even know how you look like? Hmpf, don't think you're the only smart one I've had over the years. You're probably some runaway, eh?"

"T-that is correct. One moment please. - Elle was forced to oblige since leaving this establishment, at least this instant, posed a risk to the people chasing her, besides, it is useless to keep up a charade in front of a person who someone sees through it. 'God-like intuition.' - Elle noted to herself as she waved her hand past her face, dispelling her facial disguise. "Is this better?"

"Hihi! You're quite the beauty, hm... Well, worry not! I care not about how you got here or what you used to do before so long as you do a good job at it. I offer my girls living space if they need it, though that comes with some restrictions. As far as I am concerned, you're hired! Oh and- just make sure to tell me your whole story once you get comfortable, I love the gossip of folks who aren't from around here, hihi."

To Elle, the person who is now apparently her boss, she experienced a plethora of emotions: happiness, confusion, surprise, and so on. As a response to her boss's acceptation, Elle merely cried, for no words were needed to express the relief she sought after.