Great Success

What constitutes power in this crazy world?

What makes one powerful individual, better than the other?

You see, in this world, everyone apart from humans can learn both ki as well as mana. In fact, it is relatively simple and requires absolutely no talent to do so. This naturally begs the question, why aren't people all learning how to manipulate either ki or mana?

The answer is relatively simple. Unlike what fantasy has taught us, great importance is placed upon teaching of either of those energies. In other words, the activation of either ki or mana requires a ki-user or a mana-user.

While that originally did not stop people from teaching others, the newly adapted world governments though differently. Having been organized and pressured by the representation of other races, the study of magic and ki turned into something akin to getting into universities, only tens of times more expensive, if not more.

In other words, unless in the unlikely scenario that a calamity will befall us, the institutions which are controlled and supervised by the government will continue to lay great importance onto their profit. With such circumstances, if you are from a family of no former practitioners, you can only rely on your talent to get you by.

Of course, if a family already possessed any knowledge of mana or ki, they would also need to register for a renewable license every five years.

In more simpler terms, knowledge that was required to obtain more practitioners of either energies was strictly under control.

What of the humans, though? As we have previously established, humans can awaken; though not all can. Awakened humans can find themselves to be psychics of various degrees of power, or awaken to possess what can be essentially referred to as "passive talents", or gifts. What these, are identifiable talents that are catered to said human.

To give an example, a single human can awaken with a talent that is "Moderate Ki Practitioner, Spears". A talent phrased in that 'specific' manner means that the person in question will be a moderately good ki practitioner, separated by a coma, would signify that using spears is only beneficial, not conditional to achieving that stage.

This being but one example out of hundreds of thousands of examples, I believe you get the flow. With such a talent, it is rather likely for the individual to get some sort of scholarship into an institution, although, it would naturally come with some strings attached to make sure the investment would have been worthwhile.


I open my eyes from an outlandish dream I seemed to have had, and in the span of just some dozen seconds, I was already sitting atop my bed with my feet firmly placed on the floor below me.

Today is yet another day I find myself waking up to. Going back through my memories of last night, I quickly revise the plan for today as I yet again made my way to the window, seeing rain trickling down onto the street below.

It would appear that it's first better to visit the Hunter's Association to get tested for my license; only after that can I consider visiting the café to pick up what I need as well as say hello to an acquaintance of mine.

As I was too lazy to think of a different outfit for the day, I simply found the clothes I have worn yesterday and put them back on, before swiftly leaving my apartment yet again. Breakfast is not yet needed due the amount of mana I can actually possess, allowing for relative self-sustainability for days.

Going in the opposite direction of the café and onwards to the association headquarters in Rezia; I allow the rain to befall me as I do not cover my head, or use any magic. Perhaps the reason for comfort in it is due to me believing that our world also agrees with me.

It's shedding its own tears.


Having reached the Hunter's Association Headquarters, I head straight towards the receptionist. To my surprise, a male fairy comes into view; and it would seem my surprise was written across my face in one way or another as the fairy grumbled before I even got to him.

"Ugh, of course! Here's another one of these biggo's staring at me as if I am some focking treasure, huh!? Couldn't handle treating me normally, could you, you tall piece of shit?"

Considering that fairies are known to be graceful, I suppose I have gotten my answer as to why he was stationed in a somewhat useless town like this. Frankly, if I had to answer immediately, I doubt I'd contain my chuckle. To be insulted using adjectives referring to my size and height, by someone the size of my skull is far too amusing for me to promptly handle.

As such, I slowed down my pace, allowing me to catch a breather before finally walking up to the angry fairy.

"I apologize if I offended you, but I truly meant no harm. I was simply surprised a fairy would be working in such a humble town, is all."

While it was something I despised doing, playing by society's rules works out in the end. The receptionist at each branch holds great power, and some may even be responsible for handling all your affairs at the association, as such, becoming acquaintances with one is crucial. As such, I explained myself in a way that did not belittle him but implied that he worked in such a town due to his generosity.

A statement he seemed to have taken well as he responded.

"Hm... Very well, I shall forgive you; your surprise is also natural, I suppose. To indulge in your curiosity, I am working in this shab- I mean humble town because it has great people in it, making it a rather comforting environment to work in."

I wish could bash that little shit to the wall behind him.

It's one thing to handle a conversation with someone who has an ego of yourself, it's another to handle such a tone of conversation with a being I can literally slap across the room without much effort.

Nevertheless, I put my prideful thoughts aside as I grovel the same way most beings do to individuals in higher positions of power.

"I am, just as I am sure is the town, are happy for your presence here. If I may, I am here to inquire about whether or not it is possible for myself to be arranged for a hunter's license exam?"

A flow of utter garbage and not words. Fairies absolutely adore subservient people who praise them and make them feel like they're greater than their bodies. Too bad I didn't get anyone else but this nuisance.

"Oh? Let me see..." - the fairies are technically incapable of typing on computers, hence their accounting is typically done through writing, which they do so through magic; and at this moment, the fairy was going through a folder I could not distinguish - "Alrighty then! I can allow you to meet an instructor of my personal recommendation who has a very good track record, however, you will have to come again in at least four hours in order to give him time to arrive here and prepare, but that should be alright for you, correct?"

The fairy held an obnoxious expression on his face while managing to still appear relatively innocent of his behavior, which added to the ire I began to hold for him. Nevertheless, I looked at him with a smile on my face as I quickly agreed to his arrangements.

Leaving the counter and heading towards the door outside, I quickly noticed that it still continued to pour and I, have had enough of tears for today. As such, I instead slowly turned to find a free seat, and went towards it to sit down upon finding it, closing my eyes to get some rest as well as meditate.


The reasons building up connections with a fairy is rather important is because fairies are the only species which possess any understanding of telepathy. Unlike the fantasy stories we were told, telepathy is something that cannot be achieved through a simple mana spell or whatnot. While transmitting intent through both ki & mana is possible, transmitting thoughts inside the mind of another is not.

For one reason or another, fairies, the prideful inconveniences in our society, possess a natural talent for it when communicating with either other members of its race, or when it decides to 'mark you'.

Marking, in faerian culture, refers to a fairy essentially calling dibs on an individual, not allowing other fairies to possess them. In simpler terms, whoever is a marked, is basically an individual in the fairy's circle.

The reason that telepathy itself is valued, as well as fairies as a consequence, is because technological means of communication allow for many of loopholes and are susceptible to hacking. With the fairies' telepathy, one can contact anyone, both the fairy and anyone else in its circle, using the fairy as an intermediary.

Having a fairy is the basic requirement for any singular group or guild to become professional, and to a lesser extent, individuals as well.