Supreme and Unfeeling Grand Dao (Part 1)

Xinzi's mind was virtually empty. Perhaps as an instinctive defense mechanism, whenever he stood in the Zhen-body, the young master restrained his thoughts to the strict minimum—focusing on playing his role. In the Celestial Paradise, these restrictions reached extremes that freed his brain of all unnecessary considerations.

Occasionally, however, random thoughts would cross Xinzi's mind.

'Why is Shenzhuo so useless?'

'Is Yongye's dominance not proof that all her choices are correct?'

'Why can some Gods experience true kinship whereas the majority remain glued to a quagmire of warring interests?'

Sometimes, questions of the sort reared their heads. Whenever they did, Zhen-Xinzi would try not to give them any consideration, but once in a while, curiosity overwhelmed reason, leading him to dig deeper.