Supreme and Unfeeling Grand Dao (Part 2)

Xinzi's words crippled Yaochi's psyche. She wanted nothing less than to enable Yongye to put her son on the throne. But if she refused, Canghai died. Canghai didn't deserve to die, and certainly not due to her miscalculations. 

Pride vs. interest, heart vs. reason, as her eyes went back and forth between Xinzi's and Canghai's spark, Yaochi floundered and brought her hands to her chest. A swirl of divine light flashed between her palms, and to the assembly's shock, Empress Yaochi summoned her Divine Seal, letting it drift towards Xinzi.

The young master caught it in the palm of his hand, and at that time, Yongye's past teachings echoed in his mind. 

'If there is one thing—just one—that you can't afford to give up, then your enemies can later use it to bring you down. Zhen'er, an absolute being has no use for a heart, and with me to lead the way, you will become absolute.