Crushed Lily

Warning (Depiction of Self Harm)

John had always been a caring father to his daughter, Lily. He loved her more than anything in the world and was willing to do anything to see her happy. However, one day, tragedy struck, and Lily was killed in a car accident. John was shattered beyond repair.

He tried to continue living his life as he did before, but something inside him snapped. The grief of losing his precious daughter was too much for him to bear. He became increasingly reclusive, refusing to leave his home, even for the most basic necessities. He spent his days sitting in Lily's empty room, staring at her pictures, and crying.

As time passed, John's behavior became increasingly erratic. He started talking to Lily's pictures, as if she were still there with him. He stopped taking care of himself and stopped eating properly. His neighbors started noticing the changes in him, but they didn't know how to help him.

One night, John woke up from a nightmare about his daughter's death. He started screaming and throwing things around the house. He became violent and started harming himself. He picked up a picture of Lily and smashed it against the wall, cutting his hand in the process.

It was then that John's neighbors realized that he needed help urgently. They called the authorities, who took him to a mental institution for treatment. John was diagnosed with severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. His condition had deteriorated so much that he needed constant monitoring and medication.

It took several months of therapy and medication for John to start seeing some improvement. He slowly began to accept the reality of his daughter's death and started to take care of himself again. He started attending support groups for people who had lost loved ones and found solace in being able to share his story with others.

In the end, John realized that allowing himself to fall into despair and madness wouldn't bring Lily back. He knew he had to keep going and find a way to live his life without her. It was a long and painful journey, but he eventually found peace and happiness in the memories of his beloved daughter.