Killer: what's the mission…
Redwolf: 3 TSM-40 missiles are located at the Philippines…
Redwolf: if you don't know, the Philippines has 3 parts!
Redwolf: Luzon, Visayas, And Mindanao…
Killer: Let me guess, one in each section…
Redwolf: yes…
Redwolf: Missile locations are 14.5378 N, 121.0014 E, aka Pasay…
Redwolf: 11.0384 N, 124,6193 E, aka Ormoc City…
Redwolf: and 7.4472 N, 125.8093 E aka Tagum…
Redwolf: be ready at 0600H… (Current time 1400H)
16 Hours later
Redwolf: Let's go! Time's ticking!
All 4: *enters cargo plane
Plane takes off
Plane lands
Redwolf: First location, let's go!
All 4: *pulls out AM-X2*
All 4: *exits plane*
Redwolf: incoming!
Enemy soldiers: *shows up and shoot*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tangos on the window!
All 4: *shoots*
Killer: shit! They're taking hostages!
Redwolf: we just came here!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: watch your fire!
4 drones show up and shoot
All 4: *shoots*
Drones collapse and explode
Redwolf: Move down!
All 4: *slides down*
All 4: *shoots*
Civilian 1: (Bro, I'm scared…) Tol, takot ako…
Civilian 2: (calm down…) kumalma ka…
Redwolf: Sniper on 10th floor!
Killer: got it! *shoots*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Enemy convoy incoming!
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicle explodes
Redwolf: ah shit! Is everyone okay!
Redwolf: 2 tangos on the roof!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tango down!
Redwolf: CQB incoming be aware!
All 4: *enters a closed quarters village*
Enemies show up
Redwolf: shit!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: watch your fire, you might hit a civi!
ALL 4: *Shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
All 4: *slides down*
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy soldier: *tackles killer*
Killer: *snaps neck*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf; Enemy TCMG-35 (Chopper (combat)
All 4: *shoots*
Chopper collapses and explodes
Redwolf: in there for vantage point!
All 4: *enters someone's house*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tango on the 2nd floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Civilian 3: (thank you) Salamat po!
All 4: *breaches door*
ALL 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: ma'am please move!
All 4: *breaks window*
Redwolf: enemy convoy on right!
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Redwolf: Tangos on left!
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy soldier: *breaches room*
All 4: *SHOOTS*
All 4: *gets out of area*
All 4: *slides down
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: more hostages up ahead!
All 4: *shoots*
All 4: missile's ahead!
All 4: *heads to missile*
Redwolf: *hacks onto missile*
Redwolf: code is "98154"
Killer: on it! *puts in code*
Killer: missile disarmed!
Redwolf: sir! Missile one has been defused!
Pilot: *heads to area*
All 4: *enters chopper*
Chopper takes off…
Chopper lands at Ormoc City
All 4: *shoots*
Killer: Shit, a slaughter house!
Redwolf: clear!
All 4: *pushes though*
Redwolf: Convoy!
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicle explodes
Redwolf: *sees 5 red lasers*
All 4: *dodges bullet*
Redwolf: Enemy snipers at the 2 at the 6th floor, 1 at the 7th floor, 1 at the 3rd floor and one on the 9th floor*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tangos down!
All 4: *pushes through*
All 4: *shoots*
Chains skewer the ground close to them
Killer: holy shit!
Redwolf: skewer bombs… they skewer items in the way!
Redwolf: watch your six!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Suicide bomber on left!
All 4: *shoots*
Convoys on left!
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Red lasers show up
Redwolf: again!
Redwolf: okay 2 on the 5th floor, 1 on the 2nd floor, 1 on the 8th floor, one on the 9th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: I think its better if we enter the building!
All 4: *enters building*
All 4: *picks up TSR-12* (SR)
All 4: *heads to the roof*
Redwolf: 4 tangos on the 13th floor…
Killer: they don't call it unlucky floor for nothing…
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 3 tangoes on 11th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 2 tangoes on the 7th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 5 tangoes on the 8th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 4 tangoes on the 7th floor
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 2 tangoes on the 15th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 5 tangoes on 9th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 1 tango on the 8th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 4 tangoes on the 15th Floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 3 tangoes on the 14th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: I think that's the last of em…
Redwolf: lets go, before they get to us…
All 4: *gets to the 1st floor*
All 4: *exits and shoots*
Redwolf: enemy vehicle!
Killer: How the he—
Car rams in building
All 4: *shoots*
All 4: *STEALS Truck*
All 4: *gets to the truck*
Redwolf: tango up ahead!
Killer: *shoots*
Redwolf: Missile's just ahead!
Redwolf: *speeds up*
Killer: Missile over there!
Redwolf: *continues to speed up*
Redwolf: *parallel parks perfectly at high speed*
Redwolf: *heads to the missile*
Redwolf: *hacks the missile*
Killer: what's the code!
Redwolf: the code is "64952"
Killer: ok *puts in code*
Killer: Missile defused
Redwolf: good, *calls pilot* sir you are free to go, Missile two is done for!
Pilot: on it!
Pilot: *lands on the area*
All 4: *enters chopper*
Chopper lands
Redwolf: Final missile… Tagum…
All 4: *walks around*
Killer: somethings suspicious…
Killer: its qui—
Redwolf: say that word again, and I will shoot you!
Killer: Damn, chill!
Enemy soldier: (strike them, now!) uderz ich, teraz!
Enemy soldiers: *shoots*
Killer: shit, it was an ambush!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: everyone, watch your six!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
All 4: *looks behind!
Al 4: *runs through*
Redwolf: tangos droppin' by!
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy soldier: *approaches Killer*
Killer: *shoots*
Enemy soldier: *deflects gun*
Enemy soldier: *tries to stab Killer*
Killer: *grabs arm*
Enemy soldier: *PUNCHES Killer*
Enemy soldier: *pulls out P-05*
Killer: *deflects gun*
Killer: *shoots him with an AP-7*
All 4: *sees red laser*
Redwolf: 7th floor
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tango down…
Redwolf: convoy!
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Building collapses
All 4: *gets through*
Redwolf: RPG on left side!
All 4: *dodges RPG*
All 4: *Shoots*
Redwolf: tango on right building!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tango down!
All 4: *sees red laser*
Redwolf: 5th floor!
All 4: *SHOOTS*
Redwolf: tango down!
Redwolf: tangoes droppin' by!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: *sees 4 red lines*
Redwolf: 1 on 4th floor, 2 on 7th floor, and 1 on 3rd floor!
All 4: *shoots*
All 4: *heads to the building*
Killer: just the same…
Redwolf: yes…
All 4: *picks up TSR-12*
All 4: *heads to the roof*
Redwolf: 4 tangoes on the 3rd floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 1 tango on the ground floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 5 tangoes on the 11th floor!
All 4: *Shoots*
Redwolf: 4 tangoes on the 4th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 2 tangoes on the 13th floor!
Killer: again!? *laughs*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: tango on the 9th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 4 tangoes on the 13th floor!
Killer: Damn a lot of these people are unlucky!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 3 tangoes on the 3rd floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 1 tango on the 5th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: 5 tangoes on the 6th floor!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: As always that's the last batch!
All 4: *heads to the ground floor*
All 4: *runs through!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Missile is just ahead! On the building to our left!
All 4: *enters building!
All 4: *heads to the roof*
Redwolf: tangoes on our way!
All 4: *shoots*
All 4: *enters roof*
All 4: *heads to missile*
Redwolf: The code is "58329"
Killer: got it! *enters code*
Killer: Missile Disarmed!
Redwolf: good!
Redwolf: *calls pilot* Missile three is disarmed, you are allowed to land here!
Pilot: on it!
Pilot: *heads onto the area*
Chopper lands
All 4: *enters chopper*
Chopper takes off
Chopper lands back at the HQ
Killer: Damn, what a mission!
Redwolf; At least they're safe now!
Killer: well, it is what it is…
Redwolf: you can rest now…