Mission IV (Vengeful Ally)

Redwolf: Our mission is to gather intel about Kirivashki's plan…

Redwolf: We still managed to track him down!

Redwolf: The tracking dart can recognize faces!

Killer: Damn!

Redwolf: He's heading to 34.0522 N, 118.2437 W, aka Los Angeles!

Killer: How about the LAPD, did they do anything?

Redwolf: they tried to arrest them, but no luck…

Redwolf: Kirivashki's men killed 50% of their people…

Redwolf: it's our job to gather intel about him, so we could stop him from his plan from being successful…

Redwolf: have a keen eye as well…

Redwolf: cause most of his men are camouflaged as a normal LAPD member…

Killer: Those smartasses…

Redwolf: Lets go!

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands at the area

All 4: *exits plane*

Redwolf: watch your fire! This area is highly populated!

All 4: *runs around*

Enemy soldiers: *starts shooting*

All 4: *Shoots*

Camouflaged enemy soldier: *shoots TPP-9 (Pistol)

Killer: *shoots*

Civilians drop from the 24th floor

All 4; *heads to the building*

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: they're taking hostages!

Redwolf: watch your fire then!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Building cleared!

All 4: *exits building*

All 4: *continues shooting*

Enemy soldiers: *shoots from the building on their left*

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *sees Kirivashki*

Redwolf: don't lose him! We need intel!

All 4: *chases Kirivashki*

Redwolf: tangoes blockin' our way!

All 4: *shoots*

Kirivashki: *enters base*

All 4; *sneaks past base*

Redwolf: find a suppressor!

All 4: *tries to find a suppressor*

Hunter: *finds a box full of suppressor*

Hunter: uhm… guys I found jackpot…

Redwolf: we're on our way!

All 3: *heads to the box full of suppressors*

All 4: *equips suppressor on AM-X2 and AP-7*

All 4: *enters warehouse*

Kirivashki: (Is the EMP bomb ready) Czy bomba EMP jest gotowa?

Enemy engineer: (not yet) jeszcze nie

Kirivashki: (how many are ready to use…) Ile jest gotowych do użycia...

Enemy engineer: (two) dwa

Redwolf: *whispers looks at left* hostages!

All 4: *frees hostage*

Redwolf: shh, don't make yourself exposed…

Kirivashki: (bodyguards, your dismissed) Ochroniarze, wasi zwolnieni

All bodyguards split up

Redwolf: disable their shield!

Bodyguard 1: *enters range*

All 4: *enters range*

Bodyguard 1: *practices aim*

Bodyguard 1: *shoots targets*

Redwolf: Killer, take him out…

Killler: *strangles body guard*

Bodygaurd 1: (Shit! I cant breathe) Gówno! nie mogę oddychać

Killer: *stabs Bodyguard 1 in the eye*

Killer: tango down!

Killer: *Uses suit and camouflages*

Redwolf: Ok now take out the others…

Killer: *exits range*

Kirivashki: (hey, you new around here?) Hej, jesteś tu nowy?

Killer: Uhm…

Redwolf: *messages by goggles* Say tak

Killer: Uh… (yes) tak

Kirivashki: (you tend to stutter a lot, you lying…) często się jąkasz, kłamiesz…

Redwolf: shit uhm…

Redwolf: *messages again* say nie, dlaczego pytałeś…

Killer: (No, why did you ask) nie, dlaczego pytałeś…

Kirivashki: (Nothing, just confirming that you're not a spy) Nic, tylko potwierdzenie, że nie jesteś szpiegiem

Killer: *heads to the camera room*

Killer: *checks camera*

Redwolf: *hacks onto cams*

Redwolf: Killer, Bodyguard 2 is at the watch tower!

Redwolf: and Bodyguard 3 is at the boiler room!

Killer: *Heads out to the watch tower*

Killer: Uhm, do you wanna go for a walk…

Bodyguard 2: (shit, I haven't mastered my English) Cholera, nie opanowałem mojego angielskiego, Uhm ye…

Killer: *exits area*

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: Bodyguard 3 has moved to the meeting room!

Redwolf: you gotta wait it out…

Killer: *hides*

Redwolf: He's moving to the camera room!

Killer: *heads to the camera room*

Killer: *stabs at the neck*

Bodyguard 3: (ow, what the) ach co?

Killer: *shoots him in the nuts with an AP-7*

Redwolf: ooh that's gotta hurt!

Redwolf: shields down!

Killer: *tries to stab Kirivashki*

Kirivashki: *grabs arm* I knew you we're a traitor…

Kirivashki: *points P-TP* (Pistol)

Redwolf: shit! *shoots AP-7*

Gun deflects

Killer: Shit!

Kirivashki: (Security!) Bezpieczeństwo!

Redwolf: shit! Were exposed!

All 4: *shoots*

Kirivashki: *runs away*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: 2 tangoes on the watchtower!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Vehicle incoming!

Vehicle breaks gate

Redwolf: Shit!

Vehicle steers left

Vehicle enters main warehouse

Killer: Damn!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: 4 tangoes on the watchtower!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: incoming chopper!

Enemy chopper takes off

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper collapses and hits a watchtower

Chopper explodes

Watchtower is about to collapse

All 4: *gets out of path*

Watchtower explodes

Redwolf: 6 tangoes on the watchtower!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy soldier: *throws knife*

Killer: *dodges knife*

Killer: shit!

Killer: *shoots AP-7*

Redwolf: 5 tangoes on the watchtower!

All 4; *shoots*

Redwolf: Enemy vehicle!

Vehicle enters gate

Vehicle steers left

Vehicle hits watchtower

Watchtower collapses on vehicle

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *sees vehicle*

All 4: *enters vehicle*

Enemy soldier: *approaches vehicle*

All 3: *shoots*

Vehicle reverses

Vehicle exits gate

Redwolf: *check mirror*

Redwolf: be careful! Enemy convoy chasing us!

All 3; *shoots*

Enemy vehicle steers right

Enemy vehicle crashes onto electrical tower

All 3: *shoots*

Enemy vehicle explodes

Another enemy vehicle explodes

Redwolf: Nice shot!

Enemy chopper flies by

All 3: *shoots*

Enemy soldier drops ATRL-105 (Rocket launcher)

All 3: *grabs rocket launcher*

Hunter: *opens crates he's sitting on*

Hunter: 10 rockets! Make it count!

Killer: *puts rocket in rocket launcher*

Enemy chopper flies by

Killer: *aims down sight on chopper*

Target locked

Killer: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes on electrical tower

Electrical tower collapses

Redwolf: damn! What was that!

Enemy vehicle with oil tanks arrive!

Killer: *reloads RPG*

Killer: *aims down sight*

Target locked

Killer: *shoots RPG*

Truck with oil tank explodes

2 other enemy vehicle explodes

Redwolf: the hell was that!

Redwolf: Tangos up ahead!

Killer: *breaks window*

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: *opens door*

Killer: *enters front seat*

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: Hunter, take down those Choppers!

Killer: *shoots*

Enemy vehicle overtake them

Killer: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Chopper goes to side of truck

Killer; *opens door*

Killer: give me that RPG!

Hunter: *hands over RPG*

Killer: *aims down sight*

Target locks

Killer: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes from a ravine

Redwolf: Tangos blockin the way!

Killer: *reloads RPG*

Killer *shoots RPG*

Killer: road clear!

All 4: *gets past roadblock*

Killer; *shoots*

Rpg HITS Truck

Truck drifts

All 4: *exits truck*

Redwolf: Sir, this is Redwolf, the truck exploded here, mind if you arrive now!

Pilot: yes, what coordinate are you at…

Redwolf: -118.783806 34.682911!

Pilot: okay, remain there! ETAs at 15 mins!

Redwolf: rog'

Redwolf: KEEP THIS AREA SECURE! ETAs 15 mins!

All 3: got it!

Redwolf: Killer! Plant claymores around the area!

(Mission inspired by "The Defector" from COD BO1 (2010)

Killer: *plants claymores*

Redwolf: they're coming!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Tangos dropping by!

All 4: *shoots*

2 disintegration bombs get thrown

2 5-meter lines show up!

All 4: *gets back*

All enemy soldiers: *go to the bottom*

Redwolf: what are they doing…

Enemy soldiers show up

Killer: shit!

Redwolf; block the area!

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *sets up claymore*

Another 5-meter line show up

Killer: shit! Another one!

Killer: *blocks area*

Another 5-meter line shows up

Killer; *blocks area*

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy soldier: *disarms claymore*

Redwolf: Shit! They're disarming the claymores!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy convoy might be on its way, add spikes to slow them down!

Killer: *deploys spikes*

Redwolf: Get ready… Enemy convoy is on its way!

A group of vehicles rushes onto area

All 4: *shoots*

All vehicles get a flat tire

Redwolf: they're all getting out of the truck!

All 4; *shoots*

Pilot: Sir, we can see you from above, bound to make contact with the ground!

Redwolf: good we 4 need to get out of there!

Pilot: roger that….

Pilot: *lands onto area*

All 4: *shoots*

Panel opens

Redwolf: quick get in! we got all the intel we need!

All 4: *enters cargo plane*

All 4; *SHOOTS*

Panel closes

Plane takes off

Killer: Are you sure you got the intel you needed

Redwolf: yes…

Redwolf: we are just a quarter of our way in…

Redwolf: We just started, even if we lose our members, we have to win…

Killer: if we lose…

Redwolf: if we lose this world is at total risk…

Plane flies by

Plane lands back at the HQ

All 4: *exits plane*

Killer: Arcus how's the guarding

Arcus: good so far… no invaders so far

Killer: good…

Killer: if anyone invades... shoot them down...