Mission V (Ambush)

All 4: *checks radar*

Killer: no crisis so far…

Redwolf: good…

Killer: hm…

Redwolf: uhm I guess we can have a break…

Killer: ok…

All 4: *exits HQ*

Arcus: where ya goin fam….

Redwolf: just takin a break, if any crisis occur! Theres a truck at the garage, bring our primaries to us in case a crisis occurs, got it!

Arcus: rog'

Redwolf: good…

All 4: *exits HQ*

Killer: Destination?

Redwolf: Calgary?

Killer: eh whatever…

Arcus: we're headin' to Calgary, just keeping you informed!

Arcus: rog…

All 4: *arrives at Calgary*

Killer: quite chill…

All 4: *walks around*

Killer: hm…

All 4: *enters bar*

Redwolf: vodka…

Killer: don't tell me—

Redwolf: yes, I drink…

Killer: well I aint getting' drunk!

Redwolf: well you can shut up!

Killer: bruh, this was your first drink!

Redwolf: ah im just kidding!

Redwolf: why would I fight drunk! *laughs*

Alarm noises

Announcer: warning a terrorist attack is located here! And an EMP bomb has been located here! I want all of the Canadian residents to evacuate, as a warhead missile is going to attack here!

All 4: *hears truck*

Arcus: I heard the warning! Grab your weapons on our back!

Redwolf: shit! Its an ambush!

All 4: *exits bar*

All 4: *grabs their AM-X2s*

Enemy soldier rushes

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy soldier: *breaks in bar*

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: theres too many!

Killer: head to the back door!

All 5: *heads to the backdoor*

Redwolf: tangos ahead!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: head to the roof for a vantage point!

All 5: *grapples to the roof*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *jumps onto a ledge*

All 5: *climbs up*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *breaks onto a hotel room 1427*

Redwolf: they're taking hostages!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *goes back to the roof*

All 5; *climbs to a ledge*

Redwolf: tangos dropping by!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *climbs to another ledge*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *climbs onto room 2617*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits room*

All 5: *exits hotel*

Heavy rain occurs


All 5; *slips and falls*

Redwolf: shit! Grapple on!

All 5: *grapples to room 807*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits building*

All 5; *grabs onto ledge*

All 5; *shoots*

All 5: *grabs onto another ledge*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters room 1195*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *climbs ledge*

All 5: *shoots*

All 4: *enters room 1232*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *grapples onto room 1731*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5; *grapples to room 2417*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *drops to a ledge*

All 5: *drops to another ledge*

Redwolf: enemy turret!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: turret down!

All 5: *drops at a 3rd ledge*

All 5: *slips and falls*

All 5: *grabs onto room 345*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits room and takes elevator to 29th floor*

All 5: *enters room 2891*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits room*

All 5: *drops to room 2668*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to a roof*

RPG hits building

Building tips over

Redwolf: shit!

All 5: *jumps to other ledge*

Building tips over

Previous building collapses

All 5: *jumps to other ledge

Building tips over

Previous building collapses

All 5; *jumps to other ledge*

Building tips over

Previous building collapses

All 5: *jumps onto last ledge that'll tip over*

Building tips over

Previous building collapses

All 5: *jumps to casino roof*

Previous building collapses

All 5: *hides behind casino sign*

Redwolf: *hacks and disables warhead missile, converting it to target to Kirivashki's decoy base*

Redwolf: Missile averted!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: *disintegrates hinges*

Redwolf: *breaches*

All 5: *enters balcony 3rd floor*

All 5: *shoots*

RPG hits 3rd floor balcony

Al 5: *moves to the 2nd floor balcony*

All 5: *shoots*

Enemy soldiers: *heads to the 2nd floor*

All 5: *shoots*

RPG explodes below them

All 5: *falls to the ground floor*

Redwolf: *gets up*

The 3: *gets up*

Redwolf: *pulls out hand* get up!

Killer: *gets up*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Tangos onto the game room!

All 5: *heads to the game room*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: other side of the pool table!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: taking hostage at the poker table!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: more tangos on the boiler room!

All 5: *heads to the basement*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Shit! I cant hack to defuse the bombs!


All 5; *exits boiler room*

Redwolf: everyone, get out of the casino! The casinos bout to explode!

All: *exits casino*

Casino Explodes and bursts into flame

Enemy soldier goes in to situation

Killer: *dodges debris and grabs T39R* (Revolver)

Killer: *shoots revolver*

Bullet ejects

Bullet hits enemy

Killer: hm, he lost Russian roulette…

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Tangos dropping from the 2nd floor!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *sees red laser*

Bullet flies by


Sniper falls out of the building

Enemy soldier: *plants turrets all over the place*

Turrets shoot

All 5: *shoots*


Killer: *levitates upward*

Killer: shit! That's happening!

Redwolf: Zero-Gravity Bomb! It disables your gravity! Making you lightweight!

Redwolf; grab a ledge!

Killer: *grabs ledge*

Enemy soldiers show up

Killer: *shoots AP-7*

Zero-gravity effects disable

Killer: Shit! *grabs ledge and climbs to room 3124*

Killer: *exits room*

All 4: *heads to 32nd floor*

All 5: *sees red line*

Killer: *opens door*

Killer: yeah, can borrow your chair…

Civilian: just get it and get out…

Killer: *grabs a chair*

All 5: *gets behind chair*

Sniper: *shoots*

Redwolf: *checks*

Redwolf: hes at the 35th floor!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *grapples to room 3409*

Redwolf: they're taking hostage!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: *takes RK7000* (Sniper rifle)

Redwolf: EMP bomb is at 4 Street NW at 16th Avenue NW!

Killer: then we head there!

All 5: *heads to 16th avenue*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: they're dropping by here!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to 4 street NW*

Redwolf: there it is!

All 4: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to the EMP bomb*

Redwolf: *hacks*

Redwolf: code is 9783!

Killer: *enters code*

Killer: EMP bomb defused!

Redwolf: lets go!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to the announcement room*

Redwolf: let me do the talking!

Redwolf: *to the microphone*

Redwolf: Hello, This is Redwolf part of the AZAI HQ, you are now authorized to exit your bunkers! The EMP bomb has been defused,the warhead missile has been averted, but please be careful! We are unsure if the terrorist attack is done for! Redwolf out!

All 5: *shoots*

All civis slowly walk out

Redwolf: requesting LZ!

Pilot: Positive, whats your coords!

Redwolf: 51.067740 Lat, -114.064726 Long!

Pilot: Negative, unapplicable area to land!


Pilot: 51.067885 Lat, -114.064141 Long…

Pilot: 17 Avenue NW! ETA 5 mins!

Redwolf: rog'

Redwolf: RK7000 snipe anyone that gets to the LZ!

Enemy soldier gets in the LZ

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy convoy!

All 5: *shoots*





Killer: Damn, what a chain reaction!

Enemy soldiers in the LZ

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Pilot, where the hell are you!

Pilot: We're experiencing casualties on 57.700195 N, 54.110943 E

Pilot: due to the casualty, ETA will be in 5 more mins…

Redwolf: Bloody shit!

All 5: *shoots*

Killer: shit! They're going for us!

All 5: *shoots*

Enemy soldiers; *breaches room*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters back to the hallway*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to the 2nd floor*

All 5: *shoots*

Enemis climb in the window

All 5: *shoots*

Enemies exits room

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to the ground floor*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters lobby*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits building

Plane lands at the LZ

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Redwolf: where's the rest…

Pilot: all of them are heading to areas to finish off all the terrorists

Pilot: only 14 teams including yu have managed to return back to the HQ

Redwolf: I see…

Plane flies by

Plane lands back at the HQ

All 5: *exits plane*

Redwolf: welp seems like we didn't get our break…

Killer: yeah, these bastards though…

Redwolf: don't worry, we will kill him soon…

Redwolf: I hope…