All 3: *heads to the radar area*
Redwolf: Mission lies at 30.7144 N, 122.7714 E, aka Gouqi Island…
Redwolf: Hostages named Niko and Vister were found there…
Killer: Have I recognized those names before…
Redwolf: what do you mean…
Arcus: what…
Redwolf: did you hear our convo…
Arcus: yes…
Redwolf: then what do you know about them…
Arcus: they're my old teammates…
Redwolf: what!
Arcus: so is our enemy…
Redwolf: That asshole?
Arcus: yes him…
Redwolf: ah f*ck…
Redwolf: lets go!
All 5: *enters cargo plane*
Plane takes off
Plane lands at Gouqi Island
All 5: *exits plane*
All 5: *walks around*
Killer: awfully silent here…
Enemy soldier shows up
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: watch your 6!
Enemy soldiers show up from the back
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *heads right*
All 5; *shoots*
Redwolf: Tangos on the balcony!
All 5: *shoots*
3 5-meter lines show up
All 5; *shoots*
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: enemy convoy!
All 5: *shoots*
Vehicle explodes
Killer: *goes zero-g*
Killer: *Shoots*
Zero g disables
Killer: *enters 3rd floor*
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: *heads to the ground floor*
Killer: im okay!
All 5: *slowly walks around*
All 5: *SHOOTS*
Redwolf: Tangos at the alleyway!
All 5: *shoots
All 5: *makes a right*
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *makes a left*
Redwolf: get back!
Redwolf: there's too many to take on…
All 5: *hides behind a building*
All 5: *moves to a nearby alleyway*
All 5: *gets behind nearby building*
Redwolf: Is the Airstike ready?
Pilot: ready to deploy, confirm location?
Redwolf: 30.715233, 122.767379!
Pilot: coordinates confirmed standby…
Redwolf: Killer, Arcus, Take the north!
Redwolf: Black, West
Redwolf: Hunter, South!
Redwolf: I'll take onto the east…
Airstrike occurs
Enemies scatter
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: did anyone get all of em…
Killer: no, some of them got away…
Redwolf: shit…
All 4: *moves out*
2 tanks show up
Redwolf: requesting airstrike
Pilot: positive, what cords?
Redwolf: 30.716550627484747, 122.76701285568087
Pilot: oddly specific, but coordinates confirmed, initiating airstrike!
Airstike occurs
Tank explodes
Pilot: one move left!
Redwolf: rog'…
All 5: *moves slowly*
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: tangos on the 3rd floor!
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *heads to the 3rd floor*
Redwolf: enemy convoy incoming!
All 3: *SHOOTS*
Vehicles explode
Redwolf: Tangos incoming!
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: enemy turrets incoming!
All 5: *shoots*
Turrets explode
Tanks show up
All 5: *enters room*
Redwolf: *hacks onto tank*
Tank gets controlled
Tank moves forward
Tank shoots minigun
Arcus: missiles ready!
Redwolf; on it!
Tank shoots missile
Missile hits a chunk of tangos
Redwolf: Kaboom, b**ches!
Tank moves forward
Tank shoots minigun
Tank shoots main gun
Blockage explodes
Tank moves forward
Tank shoots minigun
Tank shoots main gun
Chunk of enemies get wiped out
Arcus: Missiles ready!
Redwolf: *deploys missiles*
Missile hits cargo plane
Cargo plane collapses
Cargo plane explodes onto their building
Killer: *sees broken plane* shit!
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: *sees the other side*
Redwolf: over there!
Redwolf: hostages there! At the other side of the street!
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: convoy!
All 5: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Enemies breach through
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *exits building*
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: 6 o' clock!
All 5: *shoots behind
All 5: *enters building*
Redwolf: shit, its blocked off
Killer: *deploys TThB-2 (Bomb)
Redwolf: get away from a 1.5-meter radius!
All 5: *gets out of area*
Killer: *pulls side button*
Killer: it's about to detonate!
Killer: *pushes button*
Bomb explodes*
Killer: its about to get hot!
All 5: *enters area*
Niko: why is it hot in here?
Redwolf: 35 seconds…
Redwolf: *hacks to code*
Redwolf: Niko's code is "49867"
Killer: *puts in code*
Niko is freed
Redwolf: Vister's code is "34985"
Killer: *puts in code*
Vister is freed
Both: thank's…
Niko: wait… Arcus…
Arcus: I'll explain later back at the HQ…
All 5: *shoots*
Both: *pulls out AmP-X7* (Pistol)
Both: *shoots*
Both: *grabs TAsR-25* (AR)
Both: *unfolds stock and barrel*
All 7: *shoots*
Arcus: remember the old days when we we're together…
Niko: I still remember…
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: enemy convoy!
All 7: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Redwolf: enemy drones incoming!
All 7: *shoots*
Drones collapse
Drones explode
Redwolf: at the pathway!
All 7; *shoots*
Redwolf: mid lane!
All 7: *jumps down*
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: shotgunners at right side!
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: Tangos on the 3rd floor!
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: 5-meter line shows up*
All 7: *sees red line*
Bullet files by
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: Convoy incoming!
All 7: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: You have permission to land! We got our objectives
Pilot: Rog' at what coords?
Redwolf: 30.717148, 122.768611!
Pilot: rog' ETA's 30 mins! Standby!
Redwolf: rog'
Redwolf: Guard the LZ!
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: watch your six!
Killer, Arcus, Niko, and Vister: Got your 6!
All 7: *shoots*
Enemies: *throws PAP-1* (Bomb)
Redwolf: Get back!
Bomb releases spikes
All 7: *dodges attack*
Pilot: We have situation at the cords 30.724871, 122.792668!
Pilot: ETA will be increased for 5 more minutes!
Redwolf: shit!
All 7: *shoots*
Redwolf: convoy on our side!
All 7: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Vister: Convoy!
All 7: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
All 7: *goes to their side*
All 7: *shoots*
Enemies: *throws hand contolled fighter drone*
Drones thrust through
All 7: *dodges drones*
All 7: *tries to shoot*
Drones reveal their weakspot
All 7: *shoots weakspot*
Weakspot explodes
Drones explode
All 7: *shoots*
Plane lands
Pilot: I see your situation is hot! Maybe its time to release your airstrike
Redwolf: I See!
Redwolf: *Calls in airstrike*
Pilot: coordinates confirmed, standby!
Airstike occurs
All 7: *shoots*
All 7: *enters cargo ship*
Plane takes off
Plane lands back at the HQ
All 7: *heads to the interrogation room*
Killer: Arcus, do the talking, they're your teammates…
Arcus: got it…
Arcus: *sits down*
Arcus: do you know why did we save you…
Vister: its obvious, these dicks made me hostage…
Arcus: glad, you know…
Arcus: did Kirivashki give you any intel on what he's doing?
Vister: yes…
Arcus: good…
Niko: why the f*ck are you asking us?
Arcus: and why are you an asshole?
Niko: shut up…
Arcus: okay Vister, did he plan on where are they planning to take the bombs?
Vister: yes, he told me…
Arcus: what we're the cities / coordinates he gave you?
Vister: he was planning an EMP on Canada at first…
Arcus: at what city?
Vister: At Grande Prairie, 55.1707 N, 118.7884 W…
Vister: Then Brazil, Caruaru, 8.2760 S, 35.9819 W…
Vister: After that he planned the 3rd one at Arles, 43.6766 N, 4.6278 E…
Vister: 4th at Tamanrasset, 22.7903 N, 5.5193 E…
Vister: 5th is at Chongqing… 29.4316 N, 106.9123 E…
Vister: Finally, the 6th one… Australia, Brisbane, 27.4705 S, 153.0260 E…
Arcus: okay, that's all the intel we need…
Niko: hold on… why the hell do you need this intel?
Arcus: do you remember Kirivashki?
Niko: our old teammate that died, why?
Arcus: he's still alive…
Niko: I don't see anything wrong with that?
Arcus: Yes, he's alive, but he turned his back on us…
Niko: okay, calm down, honestly, I don't believe you…
Arcus: do you even knew who's men was it that captured you, and told you both where the EMP bomb will be located?
Niko: no…
Arcus: it was Kirivashki!
Niko: still don't believe ya…
Arcus: *sighs* you gotta believe me, or this world is done for!
Niko: okay, but if your wrong, then I will never believe you!
Arcus: fine!
Arcus: *exits interrogation room*
Killer: did you get the intel we need?
Arcus: yes…
Killer: good…
All 7: *heads outside*
Arcus: *heads to Redwolf*
Redwolf: did you get the intel?
Arcus: yes, are you sure this will be over soon?
Redwolf: well, I hope so…
Redwolf: your intel can make this one step easier…
Arcus: oh thanks…
Redwolf: no prob…
Redwolf: I hope, this sh*t will be over…
Redwolf: Kirivashki is your teammate right?
Arcus: yeah!
Redwolf: why did he turn his back on us…
Redwolf: especially you…
Arcus; to make this short, we weren't able to save him, I had to leave him…
Redwolf: damn… you 3 thought that he's dead, huh…
Arcus: yeah, but I didn't know that he was alive…
Redwolf: Damn…
Arcus: I agree…
Redwolf: a new mission is coming, we have to go!
Arcus: okay…
Redwolf: same thing, guard the HQ!
Redwolf: *Goes in first*
Killer: *being 2nd*
Hunter: *enters 3rd*
Black: *last place*
Killer: haha, last place!
Black: stop being an immature asshole!