Mission XI (Secrets Untold)

Killer: So… why…

Kirivashki; They have left me to die…

Killer: I know but why!

Kirivashki: Guess how a person becomes an enemy…

Killer: We have no time for that…

Killer: Revenge?

Kirivashki: Yes…

Killer: whats your other plan now huh!

Kirivashki: That's what would a villain hide…

Killer: *shows glass shard*

Kirivashki: well, talk to my ally, they know everything, im the one that leads everything instead of intelligence

Redwolf: Why would they choose a retarded leader?

Kirivashki: Shut up!

Killer: Hey!

Killer: Where's your ally?

Kirivashki: Mardan Palace, Turkey…

Kirivashki: Name of her is: Aris Kreigler…

Redwolf: *checks Civillian location*

Redwolf: heh, you're right!

Radar Beeps

Redwolf: We're up for a mission…

Killer: You're free for now…

Kirivashki POV: Heh, got them, I lied, I framed an innocent *laughs*

All 4: *heads to the plane*

Plane Lands AT Mardan Palace

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: This is heavily guarded…

Redwolf: We'll take the swimming pool first, then take the east wing, then the north part then take the west wing!

Redwolf: *checks perimeter*

Redwolf: The west wing is the most guarded… just like how I assumed…

Redwolf: Ready…

Redwolf: Go!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Take the bridge!

Redwolf: Tangos incoming at 11 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *crosses 2nd bridge*

Redwolf: 2 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: 3 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *heads to the bar*

Redwolf: Enemies taking hostage!

All 4: *SHOOTS*

Redwolf: 5 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *SEES LASER*

Redwolf: Sniper at 6 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Sniper at 3 o' clock!

All 4: *sees laser*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: tangos incoming at the bridge!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Motor convoy on the left!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *sees zipline*

Enemies zipline from the west wing

All 4: *shoots*

Enemies: *shoots P5B (SG) and ARC-55 (SMG)*

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy: *kicks Killer*

Killer: *has flashbacks of Iskar's death*

Killer: Not today!

Killer: *shoots neck*

Redwolf: 9 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *sees laser*

Redwolf: 3 o' clock! Sniper!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Pool, clear! Move to the east wing!

All 4: *heads to the east wing*

Redwolf: Tangos incoming at the front door!

All 4: *shoots*

Civilians scream

Redwolf: Watch your fire!

All 4: *sees laser*

Redwolf: Sniper! 11 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots sniper*

Redwolf: *sees another laser*

Redwolf: Sniper! 10 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *enters 1st floor*

Civilians scream

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: they're taking hostage!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy throws Cluster Bomb

Cluster Explodes

A large portion of the palace explodes

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: 1st floor clear!

Redwolf: Move to the 2nd floor!

Redwolf: Keep balance!

All 4: *crosses 3 steel rods sideways*

1 Step falls

All 4: *crosses loose stairs*

Redwolf: *steps onto a loose step*

All enemies: *grapples from the other building to other building*

Redwolf: 9 o' clock!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: behind us!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *checks Radar*

Redwolf: she's moving to the 4th floor!

Moved to Aris' Perspective

Aris: *does research*

Guard: Ma'am 4 people are targeting you! You gotta move-

Guards run

Aris: I'm on my way!

Aris: *gets her Rezzo (Pistol)*

Redwolf: *requests more men to spy onto Aris*

Aris: *sees men*

Aris: *shoots Rezzo*

Aris: Block the windows and doorways!

Aris: *SHOOTS*

One of the blockage gets exploded

All 100: *shoots*

Guard: Ma'am catch!

Guard: *throws NOX-7 (AR)*

Aris: Are you sure your okay with a secondary!?

Guard: I will die a helper!

Guard: *gets shot*

Aris: Requesting more men towards the north wing!

Aris: *goes back and grabs laptop and an unknown mineral*

Enemy pilot: (Roger that!) przyjąłem!

Aris: *moves to the 4th floor*

Aris: *moves to room 418*

Aris: No one moves no one gets shot!

Aris: *continues research*

Soldiers breach onto the window

Aris: *shoots Rezzo*

Aris: *moves to next room*

Killer's Perspective

Redwolf: move to the north wing! (loc = 5F E. wing)

All 4: *moves to north wing*

Redwolf: They blocked the doorway!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Shes moving to 3F!

Redwolf: *tries to break through steel panel*

Redwolf: It won't budge!

Redwolf: *uses hologram bomb*

Redwolf: This will change anything to a hologram for 30 seconds!

Redwolf: *throws another at the west wing*

Redwolf: tangos guarding the door!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: 15 seconds before it changes back!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemies breach through the north wing

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy: *deploys turrets*

Redwolf: Turrets get behind cover!

All 4: *heads behind room*

Redwolf: *checks radar*

Redwolf: She's moving to the 2nd floor!

Redwolf: *hacks and disables lockdown system*

Redwolf: 15 minutes before the lockdown system recovers!

Redwolf: Let's go!

All 4: *pushes to the west wing*

All 4: *arrives at the west wing*

Enemy throws flamethrower bombs

All 4: *SHOOTS*

All 4: *sees zipline*

Enemies: *ziplines to the west wing*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Enemies incoming from the north side!

Choppers land on the east wing

Enemies: *aims down sight on PKI-LR (SR)*

Enemies: *activates laser*

Redwolf: Snipers!

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper goes up and turns

Redwolf: Machine gunner, get down!

Enemy: *shoots machine gun*

Enemy: *uses bullets to make a panel*

Enemy: *uses RPG to destroy panel*

Redwolf: *catches panel*

Redwolf: don't let her escape!

Killer: Redwolf-

Redwolf: just go! I'll meet you by the pool!

Aris' POV

Aris: Research has done!

Guards: Meet us by the pool!

Killer: *shoots guards*

Aris: *gasps*

Aris: *readies weapon*

Killer: where's that b***h!?

Killer: stumbles by her*

Aris: *shoots NOX-7*

Killer: *deflects gun*

Guards arrive

Guards: (let go of her!) puść ją!

Killer: as I thought so…

Killer: *holds Aris hostage*

Killer: *shoots AP-7*

Aris: *kicks Killer*

Killer: Shithead…

Killer: *pulls out knife*

Aris: come at me bro…

Killer: *thrust and tries to slice Aris*

Aris: *stretches Killer's arm*

Killer: *kicks Aris' head*

Aris: argh *wipes out blood*

Killer: *throws knife*

Aris: *grabs knife* have it back…

Aris: *throws knife back*

Killer: *dodges knife*

Knife skewers wall

Killer: Redwolf, where are you!

Hunter: This is Hunter, Redwolf has lost conscious, we're on our way!

Killer: shit! What happened?

Hunter: he wasn't able to hold on, making the panel crush his spine!

Killer: damn!

Aris: *tries to punch Killer*

Killer: *grabs fist*

Killer: nice try…

All 2: *heads to the 2nd floor*

Hunter's POV

All 2: *arrives at the 2nd floor*

Killer: thank god!

Hunter: hold on!

Hunter: *grabs Aris' back*

Killer: *gets a guard's handcuff*

Killer: *handcuffs Aris*

Killer: It's either tell us all intel or this bullet is going to your brain!

Aris: what are you doing! Why are you attacking me?

Killer: maybe you know the answer…

Aris: no! I'm innocent!

Killer: says the one that Kirivashki mentioned that you know…

Aris: know what!

Killer: Kirivashki's other plan!

Aris: I don't know?

Killer: *PUNCHES Aris*

Aris: I seriously don't know!

Killer: *punches Aris again*

Aris: stop punching me!

Killer: *readies punch*

Hunter: stop... she might be telling the truth…

Killer: what are you, a simp?

Hunter: shut up!

Killer: fine, whatever…

Killer: *frees Aris*

Aris: My brother *exhales* he led you onto a trap…

Aris: He lied that I knew everything…

Killer: what kind of brother would make his own sister as bait…

Aris: All that he gave me is this gem…

Aris: he requested to inspect this mineral…

Killer: hand it over!

Aris: *hands over mineral*


Killer: follow me then…

Killer's POV

Killer: Hunter, Carry Redwolf to the LZ!

Hunter: On it!

Hunter: *picks up walkie-talkie*

Hunter: Sir! Requesting LZ to 36.857519, 30.920059!

Pilot: sir, whe-

Hunter: do not ask! Requesting LZ now!

Pilot: okay! ETA 2 hours! (note this, the plane is actually a drone, they don't add the pilot, due to G-FORCE, However, they set it at normal speeds when their soldiers enter the plane)

All 5: *exits building*

Guards show up

Guard: (He got Aris!) Mają Arisa!

Killer: Get behind!

All 3: *shoots*

All 3: *sees laser*

All 3: *shoots*

All 5: *heads behind wall of 1st floor E. Wing*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *wakes up slightly tired*

Enemy: *tackles Killer*

Killer: *dodges and point's pistol*

Enemy: *tackles again*

Killer: *gets hit*

Redwolf POV

Killer: *grabs arm with knife*

Killer: *about to get stabbed in the eye*

Redwolf: *picks up AP-7*

Redwolf: *shoots*

Enemy gets hit

Plane lands

Killer: *exhlaes*

Killer: Plane's here… let's go!

All 4: *enters plane*

Redwolf: *walks slowly to plane*

Redwolf: *sits down*

Killer: you'll be okay…

Plane takes off

Plane lands back at the HQ