Mission XII (Second Time)

Redwolf: *wakes up* argh, what happened…

Killer: you passed out while carrying the panel…

Redwolf: yeah… that's the last thing I remembered…

Redwolf: *tries to stand up* argh!

Killer: better off to rest for now…

Redwolf: I agree…

Radar beeps

Killer: Le Baron…

Redwolf: *checks radar*

Call: I'm in the basement and I found bombs on the gas tank…

Killer: do not touch them, we're on our way!

Call dropped

Killer: gotta go…

All 3: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands

Killer: we have to camoflauge…

Hunter: there's a nearby shop!

Killer: good thinking!

All 3: *buys tuxedos and formal uniforms*

Killer: You ready!

Killer: be sure to conceal your weapon…

Killer: which means we have to use secondaries…

All 3: *approaches guard*

Guard: got ID?

Killer: *scoffs* bro im finna rich that I could buy your club!

Hunter: really lying is going to help…

Killer: *shushes Hunter*

Guard: I just want your ID!

Killer: just let us in…

Hunter: I got this… *passes 3 fake IDs*

Guard: *inspects ID* It's confirmed…

All 3: *enters club*

Killer: alright, all we need to do is make our way to the boiler room without anyone noticing…

All 3: *moves to the boiler room*

Enemies breach the door

Killer: get down!

Enemies shoot

All 3: *continues crawling to the boiler room*

All 3: *sees bombs*

Killer: what the…

Bomb beeps

Killer: holy shit…

Enemy: (done sightseeing) zwiedzałeś?

Killer: shit!

All 3: *shoots*

All 3: *gets behind walls*

Enemies hear gunshot

All 3: *stabs neck*

All 3: *grabs NKL-120 (LMG)*

Enemies: *shoots*

Killer: Push on my sign…

Killer: Now!

All 3: *shoots*

Roof explodes

All 3: *shoots*

Killer: Head up that mezzanine!

All 3: *heads to the mezzanine

Enemy: *shoots from the 3rd floor mezzanine*

All 3: *shoots*

More enemies breach in

All 3: *shoots*

Enemy shoots RPG

Killer: Follow Me!

All 3: *jumps off mezzanine and grapples to 3rd floor mezzanine*

All 3: *shoots*

RPG hits 3rd floor mezzanine

Killer: Ah shit!

All 3: *grapples to the 1st floor*

Bullets phase though the wall

RPG hits panel


Panel falls

All 3: *shoots machine gunner and driver*

All 3: *heads to detonator*

Killer: *disables bombs*

Choppers fly by

All 3: *shoots*

Chopper lands on the other side of building

Juggernaut exits chopper

Juggernaut pulls out 2 machine guns

Killer: oh shit! Get behind something!

All 3: *gets behind moving car*

All 3: *shoots juggernaut*

Juggernaut shoots both miniguns

Van drives by

All 3: *shoots*

Juggernaut shoots both miniguns

Truck drives by

All 3: *hides behind truck*

All 3: *shoots*

Juggernaut shoots both miniguns

Juggernaut runs out of ammo

Juggernaut: (shit!) gówno!

Juggernaut jumps down

Juggernaut sprints to the team

Car steers

Hunter and Black: *sprints away*

Killer: *jumps on top of roof and lands on top of juggernaut*

Hunter: Killer! Get down from there!

Killer: *pulls out pistol*

Killer: *shoots in the gap*

Juggernaut user dies

Truck drives by

Killer: *sees Kirivashki*

Killer: that lying bastard!

All 3: *enters machine gunned car*

Killer: follow that truck!

All 3: *follows truck*

Enemies show up

Killer: *shoots machine gun*

Enemy machine gunners show up

Killer: *shoots*

Cars steer around car

Building collapses

Hunter: Use the missiles to clear the blockage!

Killer: *uses missile to fallen building*

Killer: *shoots*

RPG hits car

Hunter: evacuate the vehicle!

All 3: *exits car*

Car explodes

All 3: *shoots and clears the area*

All 3: *sees laser*

All 3: *shoots sniper*

All 3: *clears the area*

Killer: I think we're clear…

Killer: good thing I borrowed this from Redwolf…

Killer: Sir, requesting LZ to 58.870115, 2.301100!

Pilot: Roger that! ETAs 1 Hour!

More enemies show up

Killer Oh shit!

All 3: *shoots*

Cars with machine guns show up

All 3: *shoots*

Cars explode

Plane arrives

Pilot: LZs too hot! Unable to land

Killer: shit!

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf's POV

Redwolf: Argh! *grunts while trying to get up*

Redwolf: *slowly approaches medicine cabinet*

System: which set would you like to choose!?

Redwolf: argh… Set 2…

System: setting to Set 2…

Redwolf: *grabs Morphine*

Redwolf: *injects morphine*

Redwolf: *EXHALES*

Redwolf: where are they…

Redwolf: *checks radar*

Radar: Teammates located at 4 Place Paul Emile Victor, France

Redwolf: Come on that's 7 hours away via chopper!

Redwolf: fine *exhales*

Redwolf: *arrives*

Redwolf: *Assists the rest of the team*

Killer: Redwolf?

Redwolf: Our team will never back down no matter the circumstances…

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *gets past defenses*

Redwolf: follow me!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemies: *shoots machine guns on trucks*

All 4: *gets behind vehicle*

Killer: *parkours to vehicle*

Killer: *shoots defenders*

Killer: *deflects machine gun*

Killer: *stabs machine gunner*

Redwolf: did you get Aris Kriegler though!

Killer: yes, but she was an innocent!

Redwolf: F*cking hell…

Killer: *shoots other truck with machine gun*

Truck explodes

Parts of truck decapitates driver

Killer: *jumps on top of van*

Killer: *jumps on truck*

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: all clear!

All 4: *enters trucks*

Killer: *uses machine gun*

Redwolf: shoot down the blockage!

All 3: *shoots*

Blockage explodes

All 3: *shoots*

Truck with explosive barrels follow by

All 3: *shoots*

Truck explodes

All 3: *sees laser*

All 3: *shoots*

Truck shows up

All 3: *shoots*

Truck explodes

RPG hits truck

All 4: *exits car*

Truck explodes

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *sees lasers*

All 4: *shoots*

Enemies block the way

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: argh! My morphine is losing effects!

Killer; get behind!

All 3: *shoots*

Killer: Requesting LZ on 48.793494, 2.290420!

Pilot: Roger that! ETAs 1 hour!

Killer: rog'

Killer: Defend Redwolf until the plane arrives!

All 3: *shoots*

Killer: question! Why did you decide to try to assist us, while you have a back pain?

Redwolf: … I already told you…

Killer: Just rest for now, LZ coming soon!

All 3: *shoots*

Enemy tackles killer

Killer: *gets hit*


Redwolf: Again…

Killer: *stabs enemy*

Killer: *detonates grenade*

Killer: *pushes enemy aside*

Chopper takes off

Enemy explodes

Machine gunner shoots

All 3: *shoots driver and machine gunner*

Chopper collapses

chopper explodes

3 juggernaut drops by

All 3: *shoots juggernaut user*

All 3: *uses juggernaut*

All 3: *shoots both miniguns*

Choppers fly above with miniguns

All 3: *shoots*

Choppers explode

More choppers fly above

All 3: *shoots choppers*

Choppers collapse

Choppers explode

Enemy with RPG

RPG hits juggernauts

Killer: shit!

All 3: *escapes juggernaut*

Convoy appears

All 3: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Sharp part of truck flies by

All 3: *dodges part*

Enemy tries to punch killer

Killer: *blocks attack*

Killer: *pulls out shock bomb*

Killer: *pushes enemy*

Enemy paralyzed

Killer: *shoots enemy*

Plane lands

All 3: *enters plane*

Killer: *carries Redwolf*


Killer: *puts down Redwolf*

Plane takes off

Plane flies back to the HQ

All 4: *arrives to room 079*

Killer: for real now, rest for now…

All 3: *guards Redwolf*

Killer: *exhales* that mission was real tiring not gonna lie!

Hunter: *chuckles* yea I agree 8 hours is all it took….

Killer: If Redwolf wakes up, im going to assume that there's another mission…

Hunter: yeah I agree…

Killer: *Chuckles*