Chapter 21 - Battle Of Life And Death!

Without a slight bit of hesitation Alex turned and dashed deeper into the forest.

A Manticore wasn't something Alex could deal with at this stage. They were creature a legend that had a royal bloodline in the lower realms and although this shadowed Manticore was an abomination to the real Manticore. It was without a doubt scary.

Feeling a sense of dread and fear overcome him, Alex pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Out of all the beasts in the forest it had to be the worst one."

Dashing past trees and bushes Alex used anything in front of Alex that could obscure the vision of the beast that was roaring with anger behind him. All in hopes of gaining some distance.

Feeling a sense of hopelessness as the distance between the two closed to a slim margin Alex halted his movements and turned towards the shadowed figure.

"Fine, If I'm going to go down anyways I'll at least cut of a leg." He gnashed his teeth like a wild beast and dashed forward.

The Shadowed Manticore was a beast like had a lion form with wings that towered out from its back. A apex predator among magical beasts and was the king of Blood Moore Valley. For whatever reason Alex had been the unlucky soul to run into the beast while it was hunting and with it's territorial behaviour it was now chasing Alex with intent to kill.

All in all Alex was in a very bad position.

Alex however was now in a state of battle and all of feelings were pushed to the back of his mind as he closed in on the Manticore.

Feeling the intent of the challenge the Manticore roared out with disdain.

As the two came to clash Alex slowed his movements before accelerating them once more creating a seamless void before the Manticore.

Yes he used Void steps.

With Natures Wrath in hand Alex cleared himself some space to slash down of the leg of the Manticore activation his skill [Chop] he cut deep into the leg of the beast.


[Shadowed Manticore LVL 30]

[HP 14991/15000]

"9 HP, you have got to be shitting me!"

Numerous thoughts passed through Alex's mind as he continued to use Void steps. Each time he would slash again at the calf of one of the 4 Manticore legs. Sometimes he would get -7 other times he would inflict [bleed] causing -11.

"It can't go on like this Void Steps is a PVP technique and my body and mind aren't used to it. If I continue like this it won't be long before my real world body is damaged."

"I need to escape somehow."

Reaching into his bag he took out a smoke bomb and dropped it on the floor while he took the time to dash out towards the right hand side direction. All awhile activating [Stealth].

"Hopefully, I can put some distance between me and the Manticore with this diversion."

Although it was just a petty trick it gained Alex 3 seconds before the Manticore relocated Alex in stealth form. His level of skill was still too low for the Manticore to be fooled.

However, Alex wasn't counting on that as he made his way towards the upcoming valley mountain.

Manticore were very big creatures and couldn't fit in gaps that Alex could so with this in mind Alex was hoping to find a cave system where he could hide out from the Manticore.

Searching across the mountain he saw numerous cracks and slits that he could possibly fit into but all of which were a gamble of whether they were deep enough to survive the barrage of the Manticore attacks that would follow if Alex entered them.

The gap was once again closing as the Manticore sped itself up in anger of being tricked by a insect that it looked down upon.

Alex however rounded the corner of the mountain desperately hoping for a cave on the other side.

What he saw was a way out.

The clearing on the opposite side of the mountain was a large lake filled with ocean blue crystal water. There were many magic beast that were surrounding the lake that had came for there daily fill of water.

Noticing Alex they all radiated a intense bloodlust but on noticing the beast that was chasing after the human they all fled from the lake with tail between their legs. Not a single one daring to keep their bloodlust out in the open.

Alex had no time to think and process all of this as the beast stampeded of into different directions as quickly as they could. Alex instead ran as fast as he could towards the lake and dived in.

The Manticore however had caught up and he slashed his claw out viciously towards Alex. With no ability to doge the claw Alex just took the brunt of the force with the chest plate leaving the armour in tatters.

A bronze piece of armour. Possibly the highest grade of equipment in the game for players was instantly destroyed.

What's worse was he still took damage as a claw mark cause him to bleed profusely

-142 HP

Alex thought smart though while taking the attack he also used it too widen the distance sending himself towards the centre of the lake.


Ice cold water penetrated Alex's body as he was throne into a state of freezing but Alex new better than to panic as he swam further across the lake and closer towards he mountain wall.

He saw light from underneath the lake and set it as his goal.

He was unable to go above water from the moment he dived in as that would mean certain death.

He was slower on ground than the Manticore but for a Alex in water that was 100% death.

Swimming for his life Alex drew nearer and nearer towards the light.

However expending all of the energy in his body he grew weaker and weaker as the blood loss reach a state of danger to life.

He was now receiving -1 every over second as he entered the light in the wall.