Chapter 25 - Fast Levelling!

"Level 4 huh, It shouldn't take long to get back among the top of the rankings. Especially with the boosted stats."

"Well let's continue."

For the next 30 minutes, Alex spent his time picking off every magic beast that left the perimeter of the lake.

Due to the non disclosed agreement between the beasts to not openly attack each other while drinking from the lake Alex was able to more or less catch every beast off guard on their return to their territory.

From level 4 to halfway through level 6 just like that.

He was taking in the exciting feeling of demolishing the beasts with his newly overpowered stats. Adding on to the feeling of getting extra stats for levels that he had already ranked up before being demoted he quite literally felt like he was cheating.

"I don't have long until I have to log out I do need to pick up my pace."

"Hmm, I have extra attribute points since I have levelled up again."


Character: Zero (Human)

Title: [Baron Of Red Leaf Town.] [City Lord.] [Road To Successor.]

Job: Alatar's Successor (Partial)

Tier: 0

Level: 6 - 3600/9600

HP - 360/360

MP - 450/450

Strength: 20

Vitality: 20

Agility: 32

Intelligence: 39

Free Attribute points: 12

Free Skill Points: 6

Job Talent: Assassin



"Hmm let's go with this since I have +4 for intelligence and +2 for agility at every level I pretty much don't have to add anything extra to them since I won't fall behind compared to everyone else."

"This way I can make an interesting build for an assassin. For now, let's add all 12 into strength and push for a high damage high speed assassin build."

+12 strength


"Right seriously back to levelling, I think it's time for a chest run."

Alex decided to switch it up from camping at the lake because although it was relatively safe for Alex it was just too boring. Only with an essence of danger could he quickly rank up his skills as well.

Dashing into the woods Alex was manoeuvring the woods with experience. Moving at high speed yet still alert. He was ready to dodge any incoming attack if needed.

Using every sense he had at his disposal he was looking for traces of beasts in the surrounding area that he could eliminate on his way.




"Oh shit, When did that get there." Alex jumped with full force as he rolled to the side dodging the incoming claw from the overhanging giant bird.

"Mountain Eagle."

[Mountain Eagle LvL 21]

"hehe, this is more like it. COME!"

Enraged the eagle flew furiously at Alex yet he stood still till the very last moment. Triggering Void Steps he hid his presence from the bird before reappearing once more.

This time with space to cut at the bird.

Slashing viciously he activated [Chop] before ducking underneath the bird's claws and then used [Backslash] of the bird's wings.


Crying out in pain the bird flapped its wings with a huge force causing the wind around it to create Mana blades.

In all directions, they came striking at Alex but he smiling showed a cold smile before dancing through them with subtle movement. As if it was a training dummy the bird sent more and more wind blades.

Yet Alex dodged each and every one of them with elegance.

"This speed. Faster I need to be faster."

After the on spree of wind blades, Alex followed up with [Chop] and [Blackslash] again before pairing them with regular attacks inflicting the skill [Bleed].

Slowly but surely the Mountain Eagle HP dropped.





All until the mountain eagle reached the state of berserk. It flew up neglecting the wounds it had amassed.

In its frenzied state, it shot out as many Mana Wind Blades as possible destroying the trees in the surroundings and pulling up the earth in the process.

Through all of this craziness, Alex remained calm as a rock receiving the waves of the ocean.

The blades came at him that he had a split second to dodge in between all of them yet Alex seemed to thrive in this environment. Dodge left and right as he used the tress to shield the awkward blades.

He waited patiently before the blades stopped.


His eyes flashed with a cold glint as he closed in on the eagle. His dagger nature's wrath seemed to dance with his hand as he activated [Chop] then transitioned into regular attacks easily.

All until the eagle screamed its final breath and then fell to the ground.

[You have killed the Mountain Eagle LvL 21. Gained 8000 XP. ]

[You have levelled Up!]

"Already Level 7, well that's to be expected."

Looking over towards the body he checked the loot that dropped noticing two pieces and a couple of silvers in change.

"Oh, a skill book, not bad and what's this?"

[Mountain Barbarian Leg Guards.]

[Common grade]

[Defence +7%]

[Durability 220/220]

"Well there better than my crappy novice level loot so I may as well use them for now. That reminds me I really do need to sort out my armour before the regional dungeon."

"I have the gold for it anyways the skill book."

[Flash Steps]

[Bronze grade]

[Do you want to learn: Yes or No?]

"A movement skill. I'm in need of that right now. Although I can perform Void Steps it's mentally taxing on the body."

Clicking 'Yes' he felt a warmth enter his body as he had a newfound trainee level knowledge of the movement technique.

"Hmm as for the new attribute points let's go +1 strength then +1 vitality just in case."

"Well lets continue deeper shall we."